21 scenes from classic family movies that probably scared you as a kid

Oct 12, 2020 02:24

Since it's that time of season (aka Halloween), why not have post on classic family movies that you loved and/or still love today that had maybe one or two or many scenes that really frightened you to the point having nightmares and you still can't watch today (very true for me). Many if not all have spoilers for each film. Here's the list (which ( Read more... )

old hollywood, list, disney, harry potter, animation

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Comments 109

williammiller October 12 2020, 08:35:28 UTC

This scared the hell out of me as a kid.


lanrek October 12 2020, 09:09:14 UTC
it's the wheelers for me


destructo_ray October 12 2020, 10:59:40 UTC
I never heard of this movie until I was grown, but yeah, this would have been the most traumatizing scene for me if I saw it as a kid.


rowan_belle October 12 2020, 11:34:37 UTC
This entire movie was legitimately traumatizing.


burntxtoashes October 12 2020, 08:42:30 UTC

101randomwords October 12 2020, 08:48:59 UTC
to me the scariest part of the witches was the scene at the start about the girl in the painting. that was the kind of thing that absolutely terrified me. the witches just looked gross.

also the witch with the snake


lanrek October 12 2020, 09:10:02 UTC
lmao my friends an I always yell "GRAAAAAMA!" to each other


xmest_upx October 12 2020, 13:14:38 UTC
this film in general! the scene with the mouse terrified me as a kid, nightmares for weeks.


manu19 October 12 2020, 08:51:07 UTC
I remember there was an episode of the Adventures of Tinit cartoon about some pharaoh mummy or something chasing them. I didn’t sleep in my room for like a year (at least it felt like a year) and had a bed next to my parents 😅 poor them. I do still remember that the character had some creepy AF glowing eyes and I think it would take you into it’s ban if you looked at them


bloodbelieve October 12 2020, 09:04:59 UTC
there was a scene in the cartoon movie of heidi i think where she has a nightmare about flying around a mountain and that always really scared me

also the monkeys in jumanji but monkeys are just generally freaky imo, too close to human.


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