Zoe Kravitz urges people to vote early

Oct 10, 2020 17:49

-Zoe Kravitz posted a picture on Instagram holding her mail in voting ballot ( Read more... )

black celebrities, zoë kravitz, actor / actress

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Comments 88

evett October 10 2020, 22:53:20 UTC
do you have to write a return address if you drop off the ballot?


jemgirl90 October 10 2020, 23:01:59 UTC
Everything is printed. I assume if there's a problem, your contacted and sent a new ballot. You can track your ballot to see when it's processed.https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-track-the-status-of-your-mail-in-ballot-2020-9


fromyourashes October 10 2020, 22:53:32 UTC
i'll be voting in person. i absolutely do not trust mail-in ballots and fully believe each one is a wasted vote. i trust no bitch in this country.

...tbh, i don't even trust in-person votes being tallied properly anymore. it doesn't even matter where i live since it's like 96% red here, but...
fuck it all


zibbydoo324 October 11 2020, 01:11:46 UTC
I heard about a few sus things in 2016. One of my friends was a poll worker. He voted a couple or days before his shift. He told me he was curious and started to look up friends and if they had voted or not. He looked up himself and it said he hadn’t. He wasn’t sure if it was a momentary glitch or what.

Then I had another friend in iowa where I think they straight up lost the ballot box? It’s been 4 years but it was something so fucked up and in a very liberal part of iowa.


elevatorshaker October 11 2020, 02:13:14 UTC
What was your friend supposed to be looking up to see if he had voted or not? How was he able to check on the status of his friends' votes? Are there any alternative explanations that you can think of where your friend may not have seen his vote registered? Election results aren't even certified until weeks afterward. Do you really think the government moves that quickly on updating shit?


zibbydoo324 October 11 2020, 02:17:37 UTC
I said he said it could’ve been a glitch. But I’d think the records would be instantaneously updated because “omg voter fraud!”
I’m also in texas where we do electronic voting.
There might be more to the story. It’s been 4 years.


mosymoseys October 10 2020, 22:53:53 UTC
mailed mine today! i got rejected back in 2012 for my ~signature not matching (like no duh i no longer sign my name like i did when i was 18) so i'm always paranoid about that happening again >.


sassalicious October 11 2020, 14:12:03 UTC
The signature matching shit is bogus. I'm constantly signing my name at work and it varies depending on how much space I have to write, how cramped my hand is, or if it's cold.


cantlogoff October 10 2020, 22:54:52 UTC
i'm voting in person since my voting location is 3 blocks away thankfully


tinkluvslumi October 10 2020, 22:54:53 UTC
I just got back from dropping off my ballot.


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