Bryan Fuller Likes NSWF Hannibal Fanart, Fandom Has A Meltdown

Oct 07, 2020 17:03

The homophobic and puritanical rhetoric being used by "fans" to silence a gay man for queer liking fanart of his own series is utterly indistinguishable from garden variety bigotry you hear from conservative politicians.

Modern fandom is broken.
- Kayleigh Donaldson (@Ceilidhann) October 7, 2020
Bryan Fuller, the showrunner of ( Read more... )

fandom / stan culture, hannibal (nbc), slow news day

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Comments 387

lloydsgurl October 7 2020, 15:26:44 UTC
I thought people liked that “ship”??


sarahvma October 7 2020, 15:46:03 UTC
Given the way the show ended I'm not sure how anyone wouldn't read them as queer anyway.


frelling_tralk October 8 2020, 01:07:29 UTC
It’s always been an incredibly popular ship in the fandom yes, my understanding is that since Hannibal started streaming on Netflix there’s a lot of new younger fans coming into the fandom to complain that people are obsessed with making Hannibal and Will sexual, that the fandom needs to be geared more towards protecting minors etc etc. Weirdly a lot of them seem to believe that Hannigram somehow has something to do with pedophilia as well I am discovering today, even though it’s literally the shipping of two adult men??? Super weird to see today’s supposedly woke teens making associations like that


poisonapple73 October 8 2020, 03:04:28 UTC
That is so bizarre. I have noticed the trend in fandom of assuming what you like in fiction = what you endorse irl, which is restrictive and ridiculous. But I'm especially not sure why you'd look to a show about a cannibal serial killer to be appropriate for minors??


dangeronshow October 7 2020, 15:26:44 UTC
mads and hugh are openly supporting of the shippers, like mads always jokes about how he only ever wants to read explicit fanfic lol. the concern trolling needs to knock it off


djbbgoose October 7 2020, 15:28:32 UTC
Yeah i feel like they both have the cheeky sense of humor to be amused rather than scandalized


missjersey October 7 2020, 15:31:24 UTC
I feel like they also play the characters as if they're into each other?? I know Mads has crazy chemistry with anyone but you still get the vibe from Hugh too


villanellesalt October 7 2020, 22:45:58 UTC
I mean, Hannibal being in love with Will is canon. While I find that relationship problematic and not something you'd cheer for, it's an incredibly interesting dynamic.

It's SO weird how the Hannibal fandom, especially straight people, were all "no homo" from the beginning, and basically disowned the show by saying "it went off the rails" when they made it more explicit.


crystalzelda October 7 2020, 15:27:06 UTC
I see both points of view honestly!! If my boss was liking art of me giving my coworker a blowjob I would also be super weirded out lmfao, the art was rather explicit! At the same time, it's not that deep and the pearl clutching is too much.


lyra_loo October 7 2020, 15:40:14 UTC
i totally get what you're saying but i do think it's different when the coworkers in question are actors, and the art is of their characters. i wouldn't fault anyone for being weirded out AT ALL but i do think that makes it a bit less creepy. also, they don't work together anymore. it'd be weirder if the show was still on.


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lyra_loo October 7 2020, 16:00:01 UTC
fair enough!


djbbgoose October 7 2020, 15:27:32 UTC
I like Hannibal but I absolutely could not deal with the fandom despite the show airing during my tumblr years, like people were treating it as an extension of superwholockian nonsense and I just... too intense for me

I do think a lot of the issues with online social justice have intersected with fandom and stan wars end up being a form of purity politics and moral superiority


kwoneunbi October 7 2020, 15:31:48 UTC
Yeah, I feel like so many people in fandom spaces, esp on Twitter, basically use legitimate issues as ammo for stan wars and not because they actually care about the issues at hand.


chocolateamargo October 7 2020, 15:44:07 UTC
I see this a lot with Kpop twitter. The funniest (saddest?) part is when one fandom attacks another because an idol said something problematic. Meanwhile, the same fandom says nothing about their racist "favs". Come down Becky/Chad/Karen, you are all supporting racists lol

Or like how these BTS fans (probably the white ones) are all shocked that the Grammys/VMAs are racist and they trying to "fight it". Meanwhile, Latinos and Black artists have been saying this shit for years and they never bothered to listen until now


kwoneunbi October 7 2020, 15:46:20 UTC
Lmfao, K-Pop Stan Twitter is a DISASTER for so, so many reasons. Also, how whenever anyone is outed as x, people are always like "anyway stan so and so" when, like you said, they've also done shit too and probably far worse at that. It's a never ending cycle.


la_fours October 7 2020, 15:28:02 UTC
The cackle I let out when I saw the art! I didn't expect that at all lol. Wasn't this show super homoerotic? I never watched, but that was the impression I got.

I haven't been an active part of fandom for damn near a decade but I have been re-reading fic from back then and feeling nostalgic.


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