23 TV Couples People Stopped Liking Once They Actually Got Together

Sep 07, 2020 20:03

23 TV Couples People Stopped Liking Once They Actually Got Together https://t.co/enEvQ8QCYD
- BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) September 6, 2020

5 chosen at random:

- Kurt and Blaine from Glee

- Archie and Veronica from Riverdale

- Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl

- Robin and Ted from How I Met Your Mother

- Oliver and Felicity from Arrow


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glee (fox), degrassi (netflix), how i met your mother (cbs), euphoria (hbo), gilmore girls (cw / netflix), list, riverdale (cw), gossip girl (cw), arrow (cw)

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Comments 182

just444 September 8 2020, 00:13:35 UTC
16. Danny and Mindy from The Mindy Project

that was such a weird show


galaxized September 8 2020, 00:23:32 UTC
i hated danny sfm lol


arsenicsugar September 8 2020, 01:40:59 UTC
I remember when he was first introduced he told Mindy that she could stand to lose some weight and tbh he's been on my shit list ever since!


fellintothegap September 8 2020, 01:45:34 UTC
I loved it as a weird take on romcoms, and the feeling that we were supposed to see all the characters as caricatures that were extremely terrible people.

I just think that writing the long buildup worked in that universe, but there’s a reason that all romcoms never show what happens after the girl gets the asshole with a secret heart of gold. They’re still assholes, and, no, they will not change for you.


false_hate September 8 2020, 00:14:02 UTC
So the majority of popular couples on tv shows? The unresolved sexual tension is always the best part.

Also, psh to not have Betty and Jughead on this list. They fizzled out fast after their cute first season.


littlepunkryo September 8 2020, 00:30:10 UTC
Not just that, when most couples get together it's like nobody can come up with any good ideas on how to write them together. They either write them so badly you stop wanting them to be together because they're terrible to each other or because they're super boring and/or they give them some babies which completely ruins any potential storylines for the female character bc after that they're just "mother."


parachuteending September 8 2020, 12:16:45 UTC
Lmao this is why most romance novels end after they get together lol


angriest_girl September 8 2020, 00:14:19 UTC
Didn’t Buzzfeed do pretty much this same listicle a week or two ago.


inwazyja September 8 2020, 00:17:23 UTC
Oh maybe that’s what this was.

I have a vivid memory of this post happening already.


angriest_girl September 8 2020, 00:19:23 UTC
It’s so hard to tell with them because they recycle so much. (Every second thing on Buzzfeed Australia is “20 Iconic Australian Snack Foods From The 90s!”.)


inwazyja September 8 2020, 00:20:40 UTC
I thought we were discussing it in another post or ffa something, but maybe they just had another article like this.


ellyrianna September 8 2020, 00:15:17 UTC
Luke/Lorelai forever. It was like ASP didn't even like them together -- she kept them apart for the first ~6 weeks of their relationship, never showed them saying "I love you," their physical interactions were almost zilch, etc. etc. etc. I know the actors supposedly didn't love working together but their chemistry completely disappeared once they became an official couple.


frelling_tralk September 8 2020, 00:27:07 UTC
Totally agree! It’s a shame too because their buildup was really great, especially towards the end of season 4, but then they get together and just nothing. I was so confused by their lack of physical contact as a couple that I was looking up online what the deal was, and honestly I do buy the rumours that the actors hated kissing or touching one another, because you could just tell that some of those scenes pained Lauren. They were decent enough with any really big scripted reunion kiss, their first kiss was also definitely well done, but the more casual touch scenes with them were just so freaking awkward at times. Nothing like how you would expect a couple to act around one another after they’d only just gotten together and should still be passionate and in the honeymoon phase


handsdowntoo September 8 2020, 00:40:28 UTC
Agreed. But I don't think its always because the UST is better its just that the writers suck when a lot of these couples get together and they drop the ball horribly.


spoil September 8 2020, 01:01:04 UTC
Aww I liked Luke and Lorelai together, they were cute and I thought they had great chemistry together and it was nice to FINALLY see Lorelai happy and with someone who appreciates her for who she is. It was the whole April and Anna crap and making Luke suddenly a bumbling idiot that always bothered me about their relationship. I absolutely DESPISE shows that refuse to let the characters exist and be happy together, will they or won’t they bullshit isnt romantic to me it’s toxic af and just obnoxious to watch. It’s why I can’t stand Ross and Rachel.


inwazyja September 8 2020, 00:16:11 UTC
I’m pretty sure this was recently discussed here in some capacity.


Edit: oh, maybe they’re stealing from themselves.


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