ONTD Original: I haven’t watched…

Aug 26, 2020 23:39

Everyone on here has not seen everything or know everything about anything (I do not know what I just typed but I hope you get it lol). We all have TV shows, films, YouTube content we have never seen or heard about before. So out of depression, boredom and just curiosity of what people ONTD have seen and not seen I made this post.

1. …but only ( Read more... )

hilary duff, latino celebrities, british celebrities, guillermo del toro, list, ontd original, james bond, harry potter, star wars

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Comments 178

aotearoagal August 27 2020, 05:06:08 UTC
Like the OP, I haven't watched any DDL films. He's probably a good actor, but that method actor bullshit is ridic.

Also never seen Avatar or any of the Godfather films.


analievelyn August 27 2020, 05:07:23 UTC
the godfather
the resevoir dogs
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind


zoaster_toaster August 27 2020, 05:09:31 UTC
I don't think I've seen Rocky either and yet I seemed to get everything in Creed.


kobewife1 August 27 2020, 05:12:02 UTC
tbh you really need to just watch the first Rocky. The other Rocky movies are kind of ridiculous but I do enjoy them (I really do like watching Rocky IV).


locksuperpower August 27 2020, 08:07:18 UTC
Eternal Sunshine is one of my all time faves, I definitely recommend! I just think it’s so perfect ✨


zoaster_toaster August 27 2020, 05:08:23 UTC
I only know of the doings of the big YouTube stars because of ONTD and I refuse to download TikTok so I'm unfamiliar with that too. I am trying to catch up on many of the classics. I didn't see the original Star Wars movies until I was in college and only saw the first two Godfathers in the last year. I've also not seen 97% of Friends and Seinfeld because I'd watch an odd episode flipping through the channels and they gave me the impression of "if you see one episode, you've seen them all" and never felt the need to follow up.

OP, I definitely recommend you watch Pan's Labrynth, Devil Wears Prada and Sophie's Choice (the latter if only to understand why Meryl has all the hype of being the current "best actress alive").


kidviciousdonna August 27 2020, 05:08:50 UTC
The Notebook, The Lord of the Rings series


kobewife1 August 27 2020, 05:15:00 UTC
The Lord of the Rings series
OMG I totally forgot to put this on the list with the other franchises. That genre is really not my type and I just can't see myself ever watching them.


pinkkchocolate August 27 2020, 05:12:29 UTC
I haven’t seen a lot of Werner herzog’s experimental (??) films/documentaries. I’ve seen a couple (Fata Morgana, Grizzly Man, Cave of Forgotten Dreams) and his super weird but interesting hypnosis movie (Heart of Glass) but I feel like he’s made a shit ton of films and a lot of highbrow people are super into his “”””cinema”””” but there’s just SO MUCH and it’s kind of overwhelming I can’t just pick one and go with it. Open to recs if anyone has seen anything they liked!!

Oh and some less pretentious ones: Youtubers/influencers (I can’t sit through someone’s whole nothing youtube video, but tiktok is more easily digestible and the few I have followed from tiktok on Instagram don’t really make long videos either/idk if they have youtube channels or whatever)

Fergie’s full national anthem video (just too much cringe)

Moana (bc I was going through an intense anti-LMM phase. Still in it now just not as intense)

Some of the Narnia movies idk which ones

Any Nicolas sparks movies that are not a walk to remember or the notebook


chrryblssmninja August 27 2020, 05:47:06 UTC
yeah I can't digest Youtuber content or follow subscriptions unless it's like one specific video. Preferably w pets and/or food involved


daijouboo August 27 2020, 07:55:23 UTC
I would highly recommend The Burden of Dreams. It's a Les Blank documentary about the making of Werner Herzog's doomed feature Fitzcarraldo. Truly fascinating exploration of the creative process and all the external forces that stand in the way, many times the own ego of the creatives.

Recently, I also really enjoyed his latest movie Family Romance LLC. It's a narrative piece focused on the rent-a-family industry in Japan. He shot it on the fly and self financed with his check from The Mandolorian.


pinkkchocolate August 27 2020, 14:45:21 UTC
Thank you!!


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