Reese Witherspoon didn't understand what homosexuality was until she auditioned in Los Angeles

Jun 25, 2020 09:30

Reese Witherspoon: I feel like I met you when I was 23 years old.

Regina King: I know - we have grown children. We met each other on #LegallyBlonde. Remember when you got Sally Field to play that part? We were just fanning out
- Variety (@Variety) June 23, 2020
The Little Fires Everywhere star had a virtual Red, White & Blonde ( Read more... )

regina king, sure jan, lgbtq / rights, what is the truth, reunion, reese witherspoon

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Comments 185

babyyoda June 25 2020, 02:49:04 UTC
My white adoptive parents were like this with sexuality especially (and a lot of other things) which is why I was having unprotected sex as a teenager in the 90s and was just lucky I didn’t get pregnant. I had no adults to explain things to me, my entire “support” group and model was white and southern baptist. When I told my Sunday school teacher I didn’t have a problem with homosexuality in 1995 I got thrown out of church and tbh I didn’t quite understand what I was defending I just knew I didn’t have an issue with gays. Probably a lot of why it took until 40 to realize I’m bisexual and I’m still coming to terms with it

Anyways I’m not a Reese fan but I get this


wakeupem June 25 2020, 02:49:13 UTC
There were two men who bought a house down the street from my family in the early 90s. My Mom simply told me sometimes two men or two women fall in love and that was that.


vatulele June 25 2020, 09:08:12 UTC
I think that’s how my mom explained it to me, as well. (90’s baby) Maybe it was watching The Birdcage, or Mrs. Doubtfire and I asked about it? We live in rural, heavily Mormon/Catholic AZ. She’s never come out and said it but I think a few of her old bosses from work were/are Lesbians. I just know she always told me that no matter who someone loved, what they looked like, what religion they are made no difference, they’re a human being and they deserve dignity and respect.


epicdonald June 25 2020, 02:49:29 UTC
i think i was like 8 when i first learned about gaiety. i grew up in a very very conservative part of GA (so that's saying something) BUT i went to catholic school in an almost entirely protestant/evangelical culture so we were already kind of a counterculture. and my school & church had several gay people on staff but i don't think they were allowed to be out. there'd still be rumors about it though, i just didn't find out the rumors were true until i was an adult.

i remember one time when i was like 10 or so i made a gay joke with my friends in front of my mom and she corrected me & said it was inappropriate, which in retrospect is wild because now almost 20 years later she's a fox news addicted trump supporter.

i first learned about heterosexuality when i was 4 and saw mark hamill in the original star wars looking at those two suns setting over tatooine


ms_mmelissa June 25 2020, 02:51:03 UTC
I don't remember not knowing what it was tbh. I grew up in a very liberal progressive environment so I remember my mom sitting me down at one point and telling me it was okay if I liked girls only the way she said it was so confusing I just thought that everyone just became gay in high school and I was like "Okay, cool".

Also come to think of it my parents had a business that bordered the city's gay village so that's probably where I first heard about it. I remember loving all the rainbow flags as a kid.


derevko June 25 2020, 12:14:27 UTC
I just thought that everyone just became gay in high school



pikapika217 June 25 2020, 02:52:08 UTC
learned about heterosexuality at home and ION know if I believe it's successful or worth it but bless your heart lol

homosexuality.....well, I dug in my mail to find the thread about my coming out story, which at the time was traumatic but I've learned to laugh at via that thread. So... enjoy:


slinkydinks June 25 2020, 05:14:09 UTC
omg, you were 12?! I mean, I knew at about that age, but I def didn't feel comfortable enough to come out to my parents then. I was like, I'm not trying to get disowned/kicked out before I finish school.👀


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