Hasan Minhaj calls for action from Asian communities in anti-racism

Jun 05, 2020 17:00

Hasan Minhaj posted a 12-minute video on Patriot Act's YouTube channel speaking directly to the Asian community to call on them to speak out (and vote) in support of Black Lives Matter and fighting against anti-Black racism within Asian communities.

image Click to view

He highlights:
  • Police responding to protests against police brutality with more police brutality
  • Read more... )

hasan minhaj, south asian celebrities, comedy / comedian, politics, race / racism

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Comments 95

Social Media Resources addictedgal June 5 2020, 21:28:54 UTC

kairoso June 5 2020, 21:29:03 UTC
Ok since this is an Asian community post, I wanted to call out Jenn Im for making a post that was like “I’ll donate $1 for a comment below (capped at 5k)”)

I mean it’s good that she’s donating.. she wanted to make an “interactive activism” post but we can see that she’s just trying to rig the Instagram algorithm as an influencer lmao like why not just say that you’re gonna donate 5k


addictedgal June 5 2020, 21:35:03 UTC
That's a very transparent yikes.
I find any Instagram account using this to promote their own account/gain clout gross.

And then there's the less obvious way which is when they post extra self-reflection posts about how they are going to ~learn or their own recommendations of media (ex. antiracist books) when they could instead be highlighting Black creators who already had these posts. I have found it very hard to look at any regular content these days because it's been jarring when the rest of the stories on my feed have been very politically-focused.


hazejournal June 5 2020, 21:53:08 UTC
I find her and a lot of her influencer etc friends kinda sus.


senshicalico June 5 2020, 22:45:27 UTC

Like I get wanting a cap for something like that (like if you happen to get a million comments, and literally cannot afford to donate a million, then that's gonna hurt your image too) but 5k? Come on...


rhapsodeeinblue June 5 2020, 21:31:40 UTC
For my fellow artists, here's a call for art from For the People Artists Collective in Chicago: "Looking for Asian artists available to create artwork around Asian & Black unity!" - http://www.facebook.com/forthepeoplecollective/posts/1482394711942711


rhapsodeeinblue June 5 2020, 21:32:26 UTC
Also last night I fell into a rabbit hole of reading about the support and solidarity between the Black Panthers and China. For ex., Huey Newton and a BPP delegation went there, where they were celebrated and treated as dignitaries. The history is fascinating and makes total sense.

And! A reminder from a movement icon, may she rest in power:

In the early stages of a Movement, the visionary answers being explored usually strike most people as too radical or too impractical. If they don’t, they are probably not profound enough to build a Movement. pic.twitter.com/KtI3LX9Jxr
- Grace Lee Boggs (@GraceLeeBoggs) June 5, 2020


two_haiku June 5 2020, 22:29:44 UTC
My late great uncle was chinese and active in the civil rights movement in Atlanta. I don’t know if he knew any Black Panthers but he knew MLK personally and attended his church. I am very proud that someone like him is in my family to represent. Of course there are plenty of my other Chinese relatives who live in their little bubble as well.


nigelwitthebrie June 5 2020, 23:23:00 UTC
your great uncle sounds like an amazing person :)


deborahkla June 6 2020, 02:54:29 UTC
What an amazing man. You must be so proud.


shayme June 5 2020, 21:32:56 UTC
Can this start by Asian people stop following us or harassing us in stores they own? I remember being 15 and going to get my first weave. My mom took me to the local BSS. The owner followed us down every single aisle and was not subtle about it at all. I quickly went from joy to feeling like shit.

Or being stared down in liquor stores.

This is a difficult conversation but it is a real one that needs to be had. Don't forget what contributed to the LA Riots. It's an overdue talk.


trumpydoesmagic June 5 2020, 21:59:58 UTC
I still think about how sad I was when I went to the makeup department in H-Mart and the woman there was pretty much hovering over me and ignoring the white women there.


numara June 5 2020, 22:42:41 UTC
yep, even at the beauty supply places that are asian owned but have black employees, they're still od with the harassment.


shayme June 5 2020, 22:47:33 UTC
They really do. You ain't never lied. It's like damn. I am not about to steal when I wanna get some hair. That don't even make sense. I want my hair!! Smuggling a bottle of shampoo is not worth not getting the weave. LOL


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