Halsey Talks Being 'White Passing'

Jun 04, 2020 15:19

. @Halsey reflected on her experience as a white-passing woman of color.

"It's not my place to say 'we'" #Halsey #BlackLivesMatter https://t.co/xIgsKtof2d
- 102.7 KIIS FM (@1027KIISFM) June 3, 2020
Halsey has been active at a number of Black Lives Matter protests ( Read more... )

halsey, race / racism

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Comments 217

musicnkisses June 4 2020, 13:53:03 UTC
Serious question, but at 1/4 black 3/4 white aren’t you just white? I thought she was half black but apparently she was lying about that.


babyyoda June 4 2020, 13:57:11 UTC
I am 1/4 black and I definitely think of myself as biracial, I don’t quite look white for one and my biological family (I’m adopted) has been a big influence on me. I used to think of myself more as white but then I found out that sort of offended my black grandmother because it was important to her that I recognize and be proud of her side of the family and since then I’ve been very vocal about who I truly am.


meow_tan June 4 2020, 23:09:52 UTC
mte this words it perfectly


slayerette_nxd June 5 2020, 17:32:21 UTC
Honestly THIS. I’m technically 1/4 my heritage is a tiny minority group so I feel really proud to be a part of the few that are left. I’m white passing but I encounter micro aggressions all the time in public and when meeting new people. My family also brought me and sibling up In such a multicultural way, I would find it really hard to say ‘oh I’m white’ just because it’s not ‘enough’ colour in me to some people. My experience is vastly different from a POC with a darker skin colour than me and that’s a privilege I recognise and try to work on.


babyyoda June 4 2020, 13:54:48 UTC
I am in the same boat as Halsey being a quarter black (tbh I look Latina more than I look white so that’s even more confusing) but I’m very proud of my black roots even though I don’t quite fit in anywhere. I have dealt with some racism as my bio mom gave me up for adoption because her family wouldn’t raise a black mans baby but that’s nothing compared to what most black people go to on the regular so I know it’s my job to sit down and listen to black people, especially black women. I know I’ll never be able to relate to the pain and suffering they endure. I just try to think of myself as a super ally at this point.

It’s early and I’m tired I hope I voiced this well and it’s in no way offensive ✌️❤️✊


sanditar June 4 2020, 15:18:30 UTC
I remember we've talked about this, hope you're doing well ❤️


babyyoda June 4 2020, 15:23:49 UTC
I’m doing ok, I hope you are too!


(The comment has been removed)

hewontgo June 4 2020, 14:12:07 UTC
Yessss it's Filiz Elibol from the dizi Bizim Hikaye


soul_amazinn June 4 2020, 14:00:38 UTC
Didn't she refer to herself as a black woman before iirc or am I making that up?

Where's that user that tried to come for me when I said she lied about being half black 😊


musicnkisses June 4 2020, 14:02:59 UTC
She has said she’s a black woman before


fernandocolunga June 4 2020, 14:06:16 UTC


cbluechicken June 4 2020, 14:12:31 UTC
I'm going ask a question that I hope does not offend bi-racial users but do you feel like a lot of black-white mixed people pick and choose when to embrace heir white or black side depending on how it benefits them. I remember my mom feeling some type of way about Mariah Carey bc she felt like she did that a lot in her career (don't come for my mom plz)


jaequeeragenda June 4 2020, 14:02:44 UTC
Relatable, tech my mom is at least half, maybe less, afro latina than me but shes got major internalized racism as do a ton of latinos and I'm about what..a quarter but no1 looks at me and sees a black woman either. Plus ontd has had posts where I've read ppl say those who are like me arent black anyway lol so I find it very confusing as someone mixed to know what or who I am 'racially' outside of a latina

So i see where shes coming from. I've faced racism but no where near the same level my other fam members have

Edit I should specify I def identify as a brown woman though since I'm mostly native american to central america


soul_amazinn June 4 2020, 14:20:26 UTC
Personally I don't think ONTD is the place where you should base your views on your own identity. Most of the users here who are giving their 2 cents probably are white users anyway.


cbluechicken June 4 2020, 17:33:16 UTC
Lol mte


slinkydinks June 4 2020, 15:00:56 UTC
I have a friend who is half-Black and looks COMPLETELY white (what even are genetics?!), while his older brother looks completely Black. He very much identifies with the Black side of his family and Black culture, but it is weird for him because he passes as white and has to acknowledge/reconcile that.


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