Azealia Banks says she slept with Dave Chapelle

May 25, 2020 16:08

Azealia Banks says Dave Chappelle had an affair with her and she can ruin his marriage. Says she also slept with and can ruin a lot of powerful men's
- Diaspora 7 (@Diaspora_7) May 25, 2020
Azealia in a video on Instagram: "I have actually fucked a lot of fucking very powerful fucking men. And you will fucking gag ( Read more... )

celebrity social media, comedy / comedian, you in danger, who asked for this, black celebrities, azealia banks

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Comments 142

3rdattemptuser May 25 2020, 22:52:23 UTC


anterrabre May 25 2020, 22:59:50 UTC
NGL, fucking Dave Chapelle sounds like a lot of fun. It would involve copious amounts of weed, giggling, and play.


deja_vu822 May 25 2020, 23:04:39 UTC
I think this is likely to be true but i also think she's extremely mentally unwell


holyfrijoles_2 May 25 2020, 23:13:23 UTC
She also seems high? Her pupils look huge in this vid.


deja_vu822 May 25 2020, 23:29:44 UTC
yeah, i couldn't tell if what was going on with her eyes was a filter or not?


genbu_no_miko24 May 25 2020, 23:41:36 UTC
I think that the filter. I really thought that her was pink until it changed to brown lol.


fromyourashes May 25 2020, 23:04:52 UTC
too much gemini hate in this post tho


la_petite_singe May 25 2020, 23:22:38 UTC
Why are we still giving her attention??? She's reaching Piers Morgan levels of 'will say ANYTHING for clicks.'

That being said, Dave is also trash and 1000% believe he'd cheat on his wife. Men can't handle power responsibly.


iluvpans May 25 2020, 23:47:40 UTC
I thought you wrote, "will say ANYTHING for dicks."


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