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Comments 216

lastinthebox March 29 2020, 14:00:47 UTC
No thanks.


Sciles >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sterek


motherofcatss March 29 2020, 14:10:42 UTC
this blatant lie


pikapika217 March 29 2020, 14:14:03 UTC
What blatant lie? Only one of these is canonically supported and it ain't the one where the two white boys who hated each other needed to have their gifsets and fics cobbled together from transplanting interactions with the brown one onto them.


motherofcatss March 29 2020, 14:31:04 UTC
... ok, just to be clear I was never in the fandom and I have no clue what the fans did or not with their gifs, I just think the actors had better screen chemistry and the frenemies dynamics was funnier, wasn't implying anything else.


motherofcatss March 29 2020, 14:09:00 UTC
Nah the only good seasons of this show were the first 2 when it was mindless fun, then it got too serious and then the core characters started to leave and by the end it felt like an entire different show, so no thank you.


ohmiya_sg March 29 2020, 15:19:42 UTC
Yup, exactly this.


sherrilina March 29 2020, 15:24:40 UTC
Yup, once Alison was killed off in particular it went downhill really fast. I never even finished watching the show.


msbombtastic March 29 2020, 15:57:36 UTC
Yeah I didn't get that part..just felt pointless. I checked out around then


shelleyslegs March 29 2020, 14:09:28 UTC
Quarantine is getting to him

I wonder of the comments/replies he gets about bringing back teen wolf or "when is season 7" have finally gotten to him

That show pissed me off so much and certain fans pissed me off more


doriiansz March 29 2020, 14:15:46 UTC
Never got into it. Hoechlin can get it though.


stewie_e March 29 2020, 21:33:23 UTC
lol basically. I’ve only seen this show in Gifs.


doriiansz March 29 2020, 22:10:04 UTC
lmao Same!


kerosene_pill March 30 2020, 06:06:33 UTC
It's like we're the same person LMAO

Not even Hoechlin can get me to watch that mess. I'll stick to just reading fics.


(The comment has been removed)

spread March 29 2020, 15:50:42 UTC
I mean, LBR your better off for it...
The first and second season were the peak for this show.


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