The Real: Tamera Mowry-Housley Doesn’t Think She Could Be With Someone 20 Years Older Than Her

Feb 26, 2020 18:10

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ONTD The Real discuss age gaps and Tamera Mowry-Housley explains to the panel how she couldn’t be with someone significantly older than her. “The whole point is to grow older with somebody and he’s already there,” she says. Jeannie Mai then asks how much older Tamera’s husband Adam is. “He’s only 7 years older! We like the same things, we could ( Read more... )

old soul alert / age gap, asian celebrities, black celebrities, tia and tamera mowry, latino celebrities, television - morning / daytime, discussion

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Comments 110

tucker February 27 2020, 03:13:03 UTC
Idk it’s just that thing that of I would be happy to date a hot fifty year old right now but do I want to be a hot fifty year old dating a seventy year old??? No


xtinkerbellax February 27 2020, 03:14:33 UTC
lol yea, I could go up to early 50s but I do not want to be still in my prime with a geriatric partner tbh.


frelling_tralk February 27 2020, 13:47:45 UTC
Same. Someone can still be really distinguished looking in their 50’s or even 60’s when you first get together, but then if you consider your future advancing age catches up with everyone eventually, and maybe it’s shallow of me, but I wouldn’t want to still be young-ish and having to take take of a senior partner who is struggling with their mobility and requires a lot of care. It’s one thing if you’re of similar ages and getting old together, but not when you haven’t even reached that stage in life yourself. I feel like you see that with some Hollywood couples even when sure they might have made a glamorous looking couple when they first got together, but it’s kind of sad when you then someone who is barely 50 who is now finding that their elderly partner is experiencing a lot of health problems now that they’re pushing 80 ( ... )


anterrabre February 27 2020, 15:33:12 UTC
That's where I'm at. That motherfucker better be Dick Van Dyke levels of healthy, otherwise it's a no. :(

I'm in my late 40s and I wouldn't go over ten years in either direction.


genbu_no_miko24 February 27 2020, 03:16:51 UTC
"ONTD, could you date someone with a significant age difference?"

No. It's never interested me honestly. I like the idea of being with someone who grew up with similar to me from music, movies, games, news/world events etc...etc.

I know some people make it work but having a huge generation, mental, and age gap doesn't appeal to me.


awsteven February 27 2020, 04:58:44 UTC
same here. tbh that sounds like a lot of work that i don’t wanna deal with lol


thebloomroom February 27 2020, 07:01:20 UTC
i feel the same way


xtinkerbellax February 27 2020, 13:10:15 UTC
See I like a lot of older movies and music so that part isn't where I think we'd have issues.


sandstorm February 27 2020, 03:20:37 UTC
Only if I am put into their will as the sole beneficiary of their assets.


alienjive February 27 2020, 04:35:19 UTC
Lol get dat bag girl


devourlove February 27 2020, 14:46:20 UTC
lol oop


a_model_citizen February 27 2020, 03:21:15 UTC
One of my exes was 15 years older than me (40 when I was 25) and it was miserable. He was so condescending and treated me like I was a child.

This was during the Dem primaries last round and he LOVED to lecture me about how terrible and unelectable Bernie was and how I needed to listen to him because he knew better... Needless to say, never again


xtinkerbellax February 27 2020, 03:23:14 UTC
Was he a Gary Johnson man?


a_model_citizen February 27 2020, 03:26:06 UTC
Oh lord no, libertarian is a deal breaker for me 😂 just a liberal who used to be a leftist in his youth but now thinks we need to be more moderate and vote for establishment candidates. He said Bernie’s proposals weren’t realistic etc etc.


eatmydustbinns February 27 2020, 17:35:35 UTC
Eeek like double mansplaining and patronizing parent vibes. Glad you're out of that!


_twenty February 27 2020, 03:21:21 UTC
My husband is 18 years older than I am. *shrugs*


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