Joaquin Phoenix Rescued a Cow and Her Newborn Calf From an LA Slaughterhouse

Feb 21, 2020 00:13

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Mirroring his Oscars acceptance speech in which he spoke to the plight of mother cows and their babies, Phoenix helps to liberate a cow and her newborn calf from a Los Angeles slaughterhouse and bring them to Farm Sanctuary.

joaquin phoenix

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Comments 58

justyourfaceha February 20 2020, 23:57:32 UTC
I've always loved animals but the older I get, the more emotional I am when it comes to animal suffering. If I could afford it, I would spend my life rescuing all sorts of animals and take care of them. :(


orange_jelly23 February 21 2020, 00:55:43 UTC
same :(


steff3 February 21 2020, 00:01:20 UTC
He is a beautiful person-doing what any person should do to confront the pain that millions of animals suffer....


3rdattemptuser February 21 2020, 00:10:14 UTC


xtinkerbellax February 21 2020, 00:02:22 UTC
I'm staying at Woodstock Sanctuary in a couple of weeks, I love going when places like this are closed to public tours and it's only whoever is staying there, we got to see a day old baby cow when I stayed at Farm Sanctuary bc we were such a small group.

Honestly, I suggest anyone visit a farm sanctuary if you have one near you. People think factory farming is the only problem but most of the animals they rescue come from small family run farms.


sibylblack February 21 2020, 09:18:51 UTC
So jealous! I have wanted to visit a farm sanctuary for ages but they are pretty far from where I am living right now. One of my New Year's resolutions (I know...) was to definitely go at least to one this year, though. How was Farm Sanctuary? Did you get to meet Gene Baur?


spankmypirate February 21 2020, 09:56:29 UTC
most of the animals they rescue come from small family run farms.

Do you have any links with more info about this? Generally not being being snarky (I'm vegan!), I would love to know more about this


xtinkerbellax February 21 2020, 11:42:07 UTC
I've never seen statistics on it it's just something I've noticed visiting them and following them on social media. I assume it's because unless an animal from a factory farm somehow gets off a truck during transport there's really no way to get them, whereas with small farms neighbors and word of mouth alert sanctuaries about animals in need of rescue, and small farmers are willing to surrender bc the animals are too sick to sell and are costing them money. Or sadly a lot of animals seem to just be left abandoned to die. When I went to Watkins Glen that was how they had gotten a lot of their cows, and the sheep/goats were mostly from farm to table operations.


boltonlove February 21 2020, 00:22:33 UTC
This sounds really dumb, especially since I’m a whole grown ass woman, but I honestly was pretty ignorant to the way we get our food (mostly dairy) before his speech. My roommate is vegan so I was asking her questions about it and I didn’t know how we get milk and eggs and stuff. I was kinda under the impression that cows had to be milked and chickens had to lay eggs daily. I’m definitely interested in trying to eliminate meat and dairy from my diet or atleast significantly decreasing it.


callonme_84 February 21 2020, 02:04:55 UTC
They get pregnant bc of supply and demand.

Yes you have to milk a pregnant cow but they only get pregnant bc they are repeatedly forcibly artificially inseminated.


callonme_84 February 21 2020, 02:12:47 UTC
Disregard I think I read your comment wrong


winter_lace February 21 2020, 02:13:58 UTC
chickens do lay eggs regardless. But if you can find a local little farm with free range chickens or a local with a couple of backyard chickens?


justice4harambe February 21 2020, 00:26:48 UTC
i went vegetarian in august, one of the best decisions of my life. i have always loved cooking but it forced me to go more out of my comfort zone and i have discovered SO much food i now cannot imagine living without!


colapuss February 21 2020, 00:31:59 UTC
Same! Going vegetarian made me so excited to explore cooking since I had to leave my formula of "chicken + grain + vegetables." I don't miss meat at all and have so many recipes I can't wait to try.


justice4harambe February 21 2020, 01:01:52 UTC
yesss this was one of my go to recipes.. now the thought doesnt even cross my mind. and i feel like i make more "actual" meals, if that makes sense? like actual recipes and not just random things slapped together on a plate


sprty February 21 2020, 00:43:32 UTC
yeah, i’ve always been an adventurous, non-picky eater but going vegan totally amplified that + reignited my love of cooking


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