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Comments 188

syntheses February 9 2020, 19:21:53 UTC
Lmao that billboard of theirs that says “no features, no Swedish songwriters, no trap beats, 100% pure uncut rock”

Luigi has some competition for the title of king, I see.


ohmylol February 9 2020, 20:10:00 UTC
"swedish songwriters"? What does that even mean? And "trap beats"? I don't like trap but damn some people are really showing their colors with that genre's dominance


coquettishkat February 9 2020, 20:22:50 UTC
the part about swedish songwriters is bc a large portion of pop music is written or produced by swedish people, like max martin, shellback, rami yacoub, carl falk, etc so i guess they’re trying to say their music is special and not ‘manufactured’ by swedes


stf_ugh February 9 2020, 19:22:15 UTC
Thanks for the opinions, middle aged man from Green Day!! 🤘🤘🤘!!


sandstorm February 9 2020, 19:22:32 UTC
ok I wondered why the hell Planet Fitness said they were releasing "Father of All..." album. I was going "That's a song...what?"

Anyway - mumblecore by a pale girl is not any less fake than mumblepop by a blackface girl.


genbu_no_miko24 February 9 2020, 19:22:45 UTC
We’re too old to keep these mentalities Billie.

It’s especially eye-roll worthy when Billie E has said nothing but nice things about Ariana.

I’m kinda glad the newer generation haven’t been spouting this type of mentality all that compared to previous generations. Like it’s probably still there but it’s def not as prevalent compared to the past.


elvasle February 9 2020, 19:26:41 UTC
i feel like older generations of musicians put too much emphasis on legacy acts and are constantly comparing new acts to old acts and females to females and its very telling of their age. the new generation just want bops and collabs and dgaf about how many awards an artist has but more about music they actually like to listen to.


genbu_no_miko24 February 9 2020, 20:38:26 UTC
Yeah it's pretty much the "everything was better when I was a kid" mentality than you'll see in movies and music.

" the new generation just want bops and collabs and dgaf about how many awards an artist has but more about music they actually like to listen to"

I slightly disagree with the awards part cause maybe it's limited to the online communities but stans go hard on those awards records. They always want their fave to be the #1 untouchable. I remember with Beyonce and Britney stans on here lol.


my_moloko February 9 2020, 23:29:08 UTC
Yeah, like Billie clearly adores Ariana and is a huge fan of her music. idk why BJ thought it would be a good idea to diss her.


kurenai24 February 9 2020, 19:24:08 UTC
After seeing their twitter post with that no features, no swedish writers, no trap beats sign, I'm over them, they can disappear from my sight like they've been for the last 6 to 8 years.


analievelyn February 9 2020, 19:46:26 UTC
yea that told me everything I needed to know about them.

im not a fan, but im sure many of their Black fans are feeling sometype of way today.

i still dont understand the swedish writers part tho lol


black_swan87 February 9 2020, 19:56:22 UTC
its a shot at max martin


saemcrh February 9 2020, 19:56:30 UTC
Swedish songwriters is most likely referring to Max Martin, Shellback etc who’ve written several pop hits.


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