Bojack Horseman comes to an end as it was canceled by Netflix.

Feb 04, 2020 11:05

The second half of BoJack Horseman Season 6 examines the nature of our existence, the crushing blows of personal failure, and the value of the ones we hold close. It's a perfect ending to a near-perfect series.

Our review:
- IGN (@IGN) January 31, 2020

Just a normal night out in Hollywoo. pic.Read more... )

bojack horseman (netflix), netflix

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Comments 151

missjersey February 4 2020, 17:20:01 UTC
I thought the ending was perfect. So glad that Diane and PC got their deserved happy endings.

Judah was so cute this season!

Episode 15 was PERFECT. You hear me? A perfect episode of television.


teddy_sinclair February 4 2020, 17:34:52 UTC
>Episode 15 was PERFECT.

it really, really was


safdies February 4 2020, 18:37:40 UTC
I think episode 16 was pretty perfect especially going back to back with 15. It just should’ve been an entire hour long episode tbh.


bellwetherr February 4 2020, 19:29:26 UTC


drunkenclaudius February 4 2020, 17:22:28 UTC
I cried during the last scene with Bojack and Diane on the roof, no shame

This show holds a special place in my heart


flowerssleeping February 4 2020, 17:24:23 UTC

this killed me. this entire show was a masterpiece and i'll be re-watching forever, tbh.


safdies February 4 2020, 18:38:19 UTC
Honestly same. The original with Gina and the reprise. What does a girl gotta do to get an EP from this show?!


apeshit_x February 4 2020, 17:24:57 UTC
Ill edit the title when I get to my computer..

Secreteriat’s poem and some people’s regret once it’s too late really resonated with depressed me.


missjersey February 4 2020, 17:34:05 UTC
The delivery of that poem was everything. Truly heartbreaking.


oddityangel February 4 2020, 17:39:41 UTC
It was harrowing. The best part of a fantastic episode


scriptedending February 4 2020, 17:27:44 UTC
Not reading bc I am not caught up, but Paul F. Tompkins aka Mr. Peanutbutter has a nice thread about his experience on the show:

I'm not ready to watch the final episodes of BoJack Horseman, but I'd like to talk about what it's meant to me. Threeeead:
- Paul F. Tompkins (@PFTompkins) February 4, 2020


flowerssleeping February 4 2020, 17:31:11 UTC
i love mr. peanutbutter

"can we please not fight in the starbucks"


rorymariano February 4 2020, 17:55:32 UTC
I loved this thread. His Titanic movie joke was great. It’s interesting that he still has never met Amy Sedaris. I wonder if the rest of the cast has.


psychoblood February 5 2020, 10:17:09 UTC
I feel like they haven't. I remember reading that she dials in on table reads lol.


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