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Comments 33

problematic January 22 2020, 00:05:41 UTC
I'm also not watching these hearings like I did the house hearings. I guess because the outcome feels so predetermined. But- I'm all for keeping the pressure on Trump. Something has to send that man into a heart attack. Something....

I'm just worried about Bernie being stuck in hearings and not being in Iowa. But i'm sure all that can be done is being done. I can't imagine what it's like to live in Iowa during this shit. I'd be done with people asking me who I'm voting for.


infinitio_puer January 22 2020, 00:10:29 UTC
The handwringing about Bernie’s lack of fealty to the party by establishment Democrats is so tiring and disingenuous. And it’s all so deliberately timed-like they’re trying to fire up the very worst of the fringe “Bernie or bust” types so they can more easily paint his campaign as divisive/extreme and delegitimize all the *real* traction he’s gained with regular working-class voters.

It’s felt like such a long primary and it’s getting messier by the day. People are gonna be fucking burned out by the general.


londonsquare January 22 2020, 00:31:18 UTC
I was watching the proceedings today and ugh it's so disheartening.

I did get to call my dad out on some shit today. He was going on about how due process is for everyone (from him: think Miranda rights, habeus corpus, the right to confront your accuser and the right to counsel) and it wasn't given to Trump in the House.

I fired back that those are applicable to a criminal trial which is essentially what the current Senate hearings are, not the House proceedings - so Mango Mussolini can do all the due process shit his heart desires - he just doesn't want to because he's guilty af. Then I mentioned that they're holding a trial with a corrupt jury and if a citizen pulled this shit in a court of law they'd be excused from the jury/trial immediately.

He didn't really have much to say after that - mostly just 'this doesn't matter.'


espressotorte January 22 2020, 00:42:14 UTC
Bloomberg and Steyer need to throw cash at flipping the Senate.


mhfromnh January 22 2020, 01:44:21 UTC
Steyer needs to start an organization to replant all the trees he's killed for his thrice-weekly mailers.


picturemegone January 22 2020, 03:13:46 UTC
they can pay for the fines that Florida is now imposing on people who were formerly incarcerated too but it's mostly ego for them


flawfreesince93 January 22 2020, 01:13:02 UTC
Lol ofc Hilary would provide another one of her garbage takes no one asked for.


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