Aaron Hernandez's Fiancée Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez Speaks Out Following Netflix Docu-Series

Jan 17, 2020 17:17

Aaron Hernandez's Fiancée Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez Speaks Out Following Shocking Netflix Docu-Series https://t.co/yIqtXsx40N
- E! News (@enews) January 16, 2020


following the release of Netflix docu-series Aaron Hernandez's Fiancée Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez left social media for a while:

"I wanted to let all of you sweet sweet souls ( Read more... )

netflix, true crime

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Comments 122

speedychi January 17 2020, 16:44:52 UTC
Also the phone calls broke my heart, and I HATE his mom. I feel sorry for him, even though he's a murderous asshole. He never had a chance.

I think being closeted killed him, and Whitney


ohwutevernvm January 17 2020, 16:44:59 UTC
Purely speaking, fuck toxic masculinity for real regardless of his bisexuality and he was so wrong for disgusting shit he pulled. Just so he dropped dead even as a ~martyr. Please.

Also The NFL ain’t shit to this day and the next lifetime. I can’t believe anyone willingly continue to stan and enable violent abusers and rapists, and everything else that is so wrong in there. Repulsive


la_petite_singe January 17 2020, 16:48:39 UTC
Agreed with everything. Toxic masculinity is at the heart of everything bad that happened here, starting with his dad and including most of the NFL's big problems, but of course that's never going to be acknowledged in general.


realityvsdreams January 17 2020, 19:43:36 UTC
deleted my comment because i read below you aren't done with this doc yet, oops!


ghostsaddle January 21 2020, 03:46:35 UTC


bellwetherr January 17 2020, 16:46:56 UTC
we had the trailer for this going last night but didn't click, we might have to watch based on all these reactions


speedychi January 17 2020, 16:52:00 UTC
Who's we, got a frog in your pocket?


bellwetherr January 17 2020, 16:56:11 UTC
the person i watch all my tv with lmao, my fiance


war_machine_rox January 17 2020, 17:02:26 UTC
Omg idky this is cracking me up


la_petite_singe January 17 2020, 16:49:54 UTC
I'm not done watching yet, but man, I can't figure her out. On the one hand she's calling out his shit and telling him to "be a leader" in prison when the other dudes are being offensive assholes, but then she's actively helping to cover up his crimes and choosing him over her sister???


barakat_anon January 17 2020, 16:55:22 UTC
This threw me too! The only reasoning I could think is that because they had a kid together and were engaged she was just trying to keep her new family together no matter what. I mean, she was talking about what pictures to put on their Christmas card while he was in jail which just idk seemed...off.


decouvrir January 17 2020, 16:57:49 UTC
When she was like talking about how only when he gets out will she do the Xmas cards a certain way and I was like, ummmm he's never coming out of prison.


caramelaffair January 17 2020, 22:03:59 UTC
I kept getting the vibe from her that she genuinely thought he was gonna get out and was trying to stay optimistic for the sake of not just herself but their baby and aaron's also. even though it seemed like he had already mentally checked out ages ago.


londonsquare January 17 2020, 16:51:07 UTC
I watched the doc (only three episodes) and it was good!

I can't believe he went to go play for the Gators when he was seventeen! He left high school early...and when he was on the Patriots they got him a flop house, like they didn't care about his wellbeing as long as he could play football and continue to make them money.

The NFL is awful.


goodassjob January 17 2020, 17:21:55 UTC
To be fair I doubt the Patriots knew he was like out there murdering people and dodging murderers. Nobody knew the true extent of the shit he was involved in


londonsquare January 17 2020, 17:28:34 UTC
Oh IA about them not knowing about the murders. But he was involved in altercations in college where it was basically swept under the rug - there were no consequences for him. And the Patriots knew he was doing drugs - he wrote letters to various teams before the draft trying to dispel rumors and let them know he was going to cut that shit out...only to continue to do it. And the Patriots didn't care because they were winning games and making money.


goodassjob January 17 2020, 17:35:35 UTC
Yeah...welcome to sports. That's fairly normal for big athletes everyone kisses their ass and they get away with shit even going back to high school athletics. it's even moreso at big sports schools like where he want. Football is more than just a sport. Football is a culture a lifestyle. I get what you're saying but none of that stuff is out of the ordinary at all especially for a player that was on Aaron's caliber. People are willing to do anything for you when you're that good


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