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Comments 24

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doriiansz January 12 2020, 16:52:25 UTC
TSR is one of the most evil places on the internet. Let it burn.


cbluechicken January 12 2020, 16:55:34 UTC
TSR is a dumpster fire tbh


silverstarry January 12 2020, 17:02:08 UTC
Sorry for the shitty source. ONTD is my only source of celeb gossip so I wasn’t familiar with TSR. I was just trying to find a non-TMZ source for the videos.


saintclaire87 January 12 2020, 16:48:21 UTC
I first saw the video and I didn't know the whole story. This is all so awful. I hope they are safe. :(


doriiansz January 12 2020, 16:49:29 UTC
Good for them.

That pos has ruined so many lives. I hope he rots in prison.


mimblexwimble January 12 2020, 16:59:55 UTC
I read a fascinating article on Medium a while back about what eventually makes indoctrinated people change their minds and how it's almost always about the person losing faith in their leader/abuser. That no amount of talking to them or trying to convince them or using rational arguments is as effective as the moment when they, for whatever reason, begin to question the person who has taken advantage of them. I wonder what the breakthrough moment was for this poor woman.


quiet_storm January 12 2020, 17:33:16 UTC
This was evident in the Surviving R Kelly documentary. I remember Jerhonda Pace, in particular, describing the moment that happened for her, after 6 months & her friend Dominique didn’t leave until 9 years later.


orange_jelly23 January 13 2020, 00:47:58 UTC
do you have a link to that article? Id be keen to read thx


quiet_storm January 12 2020, 17:26:21 UTC
I’ve recently watched the documentary and I was so shocked I recanted it in detail to my Mum the next day. Getting off the 2008 charges left this man EMBOLDENED. I hope these young women can get help. Their families should have never let them anywhere near him he is a predator in every sense of the word.


silverstarry January 12 2020, 17:33:43 UTC
I agree. It made him feel invincible so he just kept on doing it without any fear that there would ever be any consequences.


aleksie January 12 2020, 18:50:26 UTC


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