Americans don't recognise a lot of (their own) politicians & celebrities

Jan 05, 2020 13:04

How readers did on Upshot's facial recognition quiz, and what we can learn from their mistakes.
- The Upshot (@UpshotNYT) January 3, 2020

- Are you good at putting a name to a face? Depending on your age and media-intake, you might not be;

- NYT offered a quiz in which you had to put a name to 52 faces ( Read more... )

celebrity mugshots, news / news anchors, slow news day

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Comments 247

trynabme January 5 2020, 14:11:56 UTC
I need an account to do the quiz? Too bad


piratesswoop January 5 2020, 14:22:10 UTC
i didn’t need one!


anus January 5 2020, 15:15:12 UTC
I only could if I viewed it in incognito mode


pikapika217 January 5 2020, 14:12:36 UTC
I'm not doing that test because i have trouble recognizing coworkers - ones I see often - out of uniform and/or with their hair different/arranged differently so I for DAMN sure will fail this lol

In any case I don't need to recognize them, I just need them to do better and 🗣️ GET 🗣️ HIS 🗣️ ASS 🗣️ OUT!!


thespockingdead January 5 2020, 15:39:44 UTC
Lmao I have trouble with that too. I mostly identify people by their hair, so if they change it, I’m fucked!

In college I had class with this girl who always wore a ponytail, and another class with a girl who had long curly hair. I sat next to one of them in four opposite classes over the course of two years. They were both very nice! Then one day, ponytail girl started talking to me about a class I was in with curly haired girl.

It was the SAME GIRL all along. Her hair was just different because I was seeing her on Tuesdays and Thursdays wearing her gym hair look. It never once occurred to me before that moment that both girls were the SAME PERSON. Most confusing day of my life.


pikapika217 January 5 2020, 15:43:21 UTC
oh NO! 😂


ursusblack January 5 2020, 15:50:33 UTC
With a few adjustments, this could be part of a horror movie.


kansascshuffle January 5 2020, 14:13:36 UTC
I wouldn't recognize my country's popular people, either, beyond the top of the top. I'm behind on currently popular actors and actresses because I don't watch tv anymore. And I listen to the radio news so I won't recognize politicians, either.


sandstorm January 5 2020, 14:14:12 UTC
> correctly identify Beyoncé, for example, thousands thought she was Jennifer Lopez, Cardi B, Rihanna, Laverne Cox, Kim Kardashian or Ariana Grande

Give me race and age demographics of who thought she was any of these ladies.

My face blindness made me think Nick Kroll in a wig was a woman from Schitts Creek so who am I to judge.


spoil January 5 2020, 14:25:46 UTC
Honestly, it probably was a lot of older people lol Although I think even my dad could recognize Beyonce as herself


piratesswoop January 5 2020, 14:31:17 UTC
boomers who listen to 60 on 6 on sirius xm probably


zibbydoo324 January 5 2020, 15:34:35 UTC
Drag my mother


asnindie January 5 2020, 14:14:54 UTC
Ugh Jefree Star. I wish I could forget who he was...


lone_concertina January 5 2020, 16:51:22 UTC
My teenage sister was like "how do you know who Jeffree Star is, you don't care about makeup or youtube" as if he wasn't also a piece of shit on myspace when I was also a teenager. I don't understand how he's still around but I'm ready for that to go away.


bruxelles January 5 2020, 17:18:19 UTC
I still can't believe that not only did Jeffree survive the Myspace days but people have made him rich af


aeromi January 5 2020, 17:24:55 UTC
if anyone told my teenage self in the mid 2000s that jeffree star would still be relevant in 2020 i would have slapped them


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