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Comments 46

euraylie December 13 2019, 23:20:36 UTC
I’m still not happy about the ‘married with children’ angle. I wanted a sexy love story or at least some flirting


whysogayprop8 December 14 2019, 18:52:42 UTC
So you're mad that he may be portrayed as in a stable (dunno how stable relationships are in comics tho..) relationship? As if a gay married couple are devoid of their sexuality?


euraylie December 14 2019, 19:43:09 UTC
Not at all. But it does seem like an easy out for filmmakers. They show you a quick glimpse of them holding hands, mention the kids once and then they don’t have mention it again, and pat themselves on the back for being inclusive...a bit like Sulu in the new Star Trek films. And I’m not saying a character‘s sexuality has be the main thing about them, but it would have been nice to have a central character in such a big movie, who happens to be gay, maybe have a love story arc.
I might be wrong and this will be a great portrayal, I dunno...
And just for my personal taste, I would find a het, established, stable couple boring as well. I like the excitement of characters falling in love


whysogayprop8 December 14 2019, 21:57:29 UTC
I appreciate your thought process here.

Hopefully it's not a cop out. I don't think it is since this isnt a well known comic property outside of the publishing world...and even then. So they'll take more "risks". There's 2 main lgbt characters in the film now right?


maxvandenburg December 13 2019, 23:45:53 UTC
hope he's got a sizeable role! and also that his family will be more than a blink and you'll miss it moment, but lbr that's probably asking for too much


zodgory December 13 2019, 23:48:19 UTC
Cool! Brian's an awesome actor, and I love whenever he appears in something.

I don't know why I assumed that since this was a more cosmic story that there'd be a mixture of alien looking characters


bigbranch December 14 2019, 00:01:55 UTC


juanitatequila December 14 2019, 00:19:37 UTC
watch him get like 5 minutes of screentime


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