I sat by the window once on a flight from Dallas to LA and this nasty old woman got mad at me for opening the window. She bitched and complained every time I opened it. But I didn't want to sit in the dark. She also wore this old ass Gucci sweater that had to have come off eBay. And under that she wore a standard Gucci T-shirt which probably cost $45 at the store, something tourist get. Like she wanted you to think she was all that but she was in coach.
I always keep my window open and only close it for two reasons. 1. The cabin crew tells me to close it. 2. We have a long flight over night and people want to sleep.
OK but this obviously fake right? i mean his OWN window is open and he's recording it tf. his tone is very sarcastic so it looks to me like he had all intentions on making this a viral video. If he wanted this to be believable, he should’ve at least had someone else recording it from another seat as if they were catching it happening. I don’t think the passenger who is being annoyed was in on the joke though so not only is he a flop at making it believable, he’s harassing some random.
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