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Comments 7

alienjiive November 7 2019, 17:50:46 UTC
I actually really like the Jughead Stonewall Prep storyline and the whole Dead Poets Society vibe of it all. But if all this "Jughead is dead" future stuff is just them setting up "The Perfect Murder" so he gets an A that is.......

AND NO CHERYL AND TONI LAST NIGHT WTF. Although next week looks like excellent Blossom drama so I'm stoked for that.

Kevin was wild af lol cruising in the bathrooms? Dude, can we please get a life??!?! I side-eyed the whole serial killer gene stuff but I am intrigued by Charles tbh.

Also Archiekins...are you really gonna try to be a vigilante hero dressed as the BLACK HOOD?!?!?!


isetlights November 7 2019, 19:18:18 UTC
Fanboy Jughead is best Jughead. And yeah, he's def faking his own death, either to get an A or to get away from crazy Brett after he gets the A lol

I couldn't really tell, was Betty getting deep in to the serial killer gene stuff cause she suspected Charles is up to no good or is that her brain latching on to a mystery so she doesn't have to worry about herself?

I'm sitting here waiting for Archie to start saying YOU HAVE FAILED THIS CITY


alienjiive November 7 2019, 19:25:28 UTC
Probably just her being bored like "Damn, I need to INVESTIGATE something..." lol


isetlights November 7 2019, 19:59:12 UTC
LOL true true


waxandstrings November 7 2019, 19:36:52 UTC
god, the cheryl storyline this season is so dumb and tragic. the only way to redeem it is if they finally address her obvious mental illness and get her help, but i have no doubt that even if they do, it will be rushed and barely scratch the surface. for the talk ras has had about returning cheryl to her s1 gothic heroine vibes... this shit is nothing like what she was like in s1. yeah, she and the blossoms were mysterious and tragic and creepy, but they weren't... this ( ... )


notoriousreign November 7 2019, 20:28:16 UTC
This episode was alright, didn't hold my attention very well and completely. Which is weird because aside from Veronica's story I like what the rest of them are doing. Betty staying in the FBI program, Archie acting like a vigilante, even Jughead's plot at the school is good and I HATE. THE BLONDE DUDE. BRETT?? WHO CARES.

Needs more Choni though always. (And my boyfriend Reggie lol.)

Also actually now that Veronica suddenly has a sister I'm into her plot more too lol.


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