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Comments 102

lyrabjadesss October 24 2019, 01:14:16 UTC
I enjoy going to local thrift stores if that counts as shopping. I regret the wasteful consumerism of my 20s (when I worked in a mall & spent my paychecks on cheap clothes at Forever 21 & used my employee discount at Borders to buy DVDs (what a waste when we were on the cusp of Netflix rising to power) ) & now in my mid-30s I’ve made attempts to buy second hand whenever possible (almost all my clothes), books from those free neighborhood library boxes, furniture etc.

I don’t even shop at Target much anymore, outside of household items like toiletries & filling Rx & then around Christmas for my kids (thought I try to support a local toy store as my budget allows as well).


elvasle October 24 2019, 07:11:38 UTC
i buy everything off Amazon because I'm a horrible person but when i can get a combo pack of shampoo/ conditioner for half the price of a storefront somewhere else online, I'll go there.


peroxidelace October 24 2019, 22:59:42 UTC
How the heck does Amazon do this!? I was in a store today looking at a DivaCup then looked it up on Amazon and it was $16 cheaper on Amazon.


pseudonygma October 24 2019, 15:28:52 UTC
I use to love buying DVDs but now that everything can be stored in external drives and cloud, I just want to get rid of my collection. I didn't realize how much space it took up until I had to pack everything in boxes.


squirrelsarerad October 24 2019, 01:14:47 UTC
I love thrift shopping. 99% of my clothes I get secondhand, pretty much everything except underwear and leggings. Anything I don't get there, I'll get at a place like Ross or TJ Maxx. I very, very rarely shop at a standard department store anymore.


lyrabjadesss October 24 2019, 01:19:25 UTC
Same. I’m spoiled for thrift store prices now too. I went to a mall recently just to walk around & looked at price tags in like, even at H&M, for that quality, the audacity of some of those price tags.


(The comment has been removed)

korralin October 24 2019, 14:29:09 UTC
I went to NZ last year and got a pair of pants at cotton on. They've pilled like no tomorrow but they were cheap and are still good house pants. The sweater I got is quite nice.


richyrich909 October 24 2019, 01:14:50 UTC
She probably means shopping , herself in person. You know damn well she’s sending an assistant to Gucci to pick shit up she has held for her. 😂. And to answer the question. I really had to come to grips with myself and slow things WAY down. I kinda diagnosed myself with having a shopping addiction. It was really weird , I noticed that everyday I had to buy ....something. But I wouldn’t buy anything too expensive and it didn’t even have to be clothes. If could literally be a bottle of juice. And I did the math and I was spending an embarrassing amount of money when it all added up. Probably due to me growing up poor and now I’m not since I’m an adult so it gave me some sense of validation. I’m a lot better now though.


somechickxoxo October 24 2019, 04:20:34 UTC
This is me right now. I'm going through some shit and started really looking at my spending habits and noticed I was buying things (even something really small) just to make myself feel any kind of positivity. I've recently cut back and am trying to find other outlets.


richyrich909 October 24 2019, 11:55:21 UTC
it's a VERY weird habit when you really notice yourself doing it. it's like "i don't even NEED this stupid pack of mints, but I bought nothing else today and here we are' lol. But at the same time it's self-damaging because if it goes on too long, and thankfully I'm financially good as far as my income goes, and I have a stable home-base, it can really drain you. I could have saved thousands of dollars just by not buying dumb ass little shit and I just never really realized it. I hope whatever shit you're going through you get through bb. Life sucks sometimes, but you got this. Also, I've said this before to other members here, if you ever need to vent or anything feel free to message me.


g_lovesbb October 24 2019, 01:19:18 UTC
I hate grocery shopping but I do love buying clothes and things I don't have a real need for.


sadmagikarp October 24 2019, 01:19:29 UTC
looking stunning from head to hoof in that pic


frejasface October 24 2019, 01:34:19 UTC
trace cyrus is quaking


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