Bethesda announces premium membership for Fallout 76

Oct 23, 2019 13:45

Fallout 76 now has a $100-a-year subscription service called Fallout 1st, which allows players to play alone in private worlds.
- IGN (@IGN) October 23, 2019
Bethesda has announced that the universally hated Fallout 76 now has a $12.99 a month or $99.99 a year subscription service that is being ( Read more... )

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spread October 23 2019, 18:28:09 UTC
Bethesda stay tarnishing their legacy franchises.
Fallout is now a joke & meme.

And you know they are mad pressed because The Outer Worlds is getting rave reviews.
A project from ex-Fallout dudes is a success, while they remain missing the mark.

Like this is exactly what the fanbase DOESN'T want!
Fallout 76 is already unanimously considered a broken cash grab, and they just keep making it worst.

I can't wait to play The Outer Worlds in 2 days, to experience the magic that Fallout and Bethesda used to produce.


crazylike_afox October 23 2019, 18:49:30 UTC
Bethesda did Obsidian dirty anyway with the New Vegas time crunch (and I still love that game anyway). I can't wait to play Outer Worlds.


spread October 23 2019, 18:56:10 UTC
It's amazing what Obsidian was able to do, under such conditions.
They made one of my favorite games of all time, but imagine what they could've gave us if Bethesda wasn't such dickheads...

I've been fantasizing what kind of build/character I'm going to make for my first play-through in The Outer Worlds, all week.
I can't believe it's almost here!!


missblayer October 23 2019, 19:27:38 UTC
Im so stoked about Outer Worlds!!


spread October 23 2019, 19:50:57 UTC
Me too, friend!


rahrahramen October 23 2019, 21:54:30 UTC
I’m so exited for TOW; I feel like there hasn’t been much hype for it so I was very vindicated when I saw the good reviews flooding in.


spread October 23 2019, 22:21:29 UTC
Before the reviews came out, I saw a few comments says it was going to be mediocre, because the devs were saying that it's a AA game and not AAA.
Nowadays just because a game is AAA title doesn't reflect the quality of it (example being Rage 2 or Anthem.)


rahrahramen October 24 2019, 00:43:24 UTC
Absolutely. Obsidian games have always had a certain amount of jank to them, but they’re clearly made with love and passion, instead of being designed as microtransaction stores from the top down. Would trust them over Bethesda any day.


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