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Comments 25

choukoumei October 22 2019, 03:23:53 UTC
I loved Beth Ann's little smile after she threw her husband the gun without bullets. Simone's whole story was probably my fav though, I was legitimately sad when Karl died.

I enjoyed the show a lot, I wonder how they'll do the next season.


ext_843147 October 22 2019, 04:28:44 UTC
I loved Lucy's story (so tragic), but I love Lucy even she'd play a corpse and Ginnifer's (mastermind!), third story was a bit meh. I wonder what happened to Tommy? Can't wait for season number 2.


choukoumei October 22 2019, 04:45:31 UTC
Tommy went on to be a successful artist, they mention him in Simone's (Lucy's) final scene when she is selling the house; someone goes to get a picture and the young couple recognizes it as a piece by Tommy Harte, that's how Simone finds out he became a success and she tells the couple he has her face tattooed on his ass lol.


poisonapple73 October 22 2019, 04:36:28 UTC
Loved Beth Ann's story line and the resolution of her living with April and helping to raise her daughter. Simone's was also lovely.

The Taylor/Eli/Jade one was a. a giant biphobic mess and b. horribly written and acted? It was a real downer since Kirby Howell-Baptiste is usually so good.

But 2/3 story lines being well executed is not bad! I'll tune in for season 2.


frankthesheep October 22 2019, 06:17:58 UTC
I thought the whole April and Beth Ann ending was a bit unclear. Does April know Beth Ann orchested her husband's death?. I can't imagine April being cool with it.


friarsfire October 22 2019, 08:44:33 UTC
Good question. Since April’s daughter appears to have lived with Beth Ann (unclear until April lived there, too) and calls her aunt, it’s implied that she and April remained close. I agree that April wouldn’t have been okay with Beth Ann’s orchestrating the husband’s death so I doubt she told April. Beth Ann clearly thought he deserved his fate and was okay with the decision still since she decided to stay in the house all those years later and matter-of-factly mentioned to Simone the spot where her husband died, so I doubt she had an issue holding the secret in.


friarsfire October 22 2019, 08:58:20 UTC
Interesting regarding the Taylor/Eli/Jade storyline. I also found that the least compelling. I can see how one could find it biphobic but I didn’t walk with that thought. I think they definitely used the tropic of the crazy and opportunistic bisexual through Jade but I thought through Taylor’s character (who served as foil in that regard) they showed bisexual people can be simply that - even if they are in heterosexual-appearing relationships and can maintain that identity with or without an open relationship.


frankthesheep October 22 2019, 06:19:43 UTC
Did anyone else expect all the men to die and the women to be the ones that killed them? Simone and Karl was an interesting plot twist from how they started. Did Simone's daughter ever get married?


friarsfire October 22 2019, 08:50:19 UTC
Yep, I definitely thought all the men were going to die. Interestingly enough for a Karl, based on the campy, consequences be-damned storyline that had been developing, I said to myself “if you only knew how that decade was going develop for gay men” not thinking it would have addressed the AIDS crisis then bam, they showed the spots on his back. I do respect that the show went there and, I think, handled it respectfully and honestly.

Overall, I like that the show answered the question “why women kill?” with a variety of answers.

Also, I completely forgot about the wedding and though the question never crossed my mind and I won’t lose sleep over it, it would have had a pretty big consequence (the impact of the relationship with her daughter), so I’m surprised they didn’t address it. It seems that Karl died before the wedding occurred (since it was never mentioned again) so I assume that this allowed Simone to attend the wedding without Karl’s attendance being an issue.


wickedground October 22 2019, 10:49:06 UTC
The 7 min,dialogue free murder scene with the storylines overlapping was so well done. Thoroughly enjoyed season 1. Cackled at Rob's well deserved death, cried at Karl's, didn't really care about the third couple.


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