The Office: Angela, A Guide to Cat People

Oct 04, 2019 00:17

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The Office's Angela Martin is the ultimate "cat person" -- someone who loves cats, and who's also essentially a cat in spirit. So how do you deal with a "cat person" in your life? Or if you are that "cat person," how do you better understand yourself? I


Are you a cat person?? 🐈

meow meow meow, the office (nbc)

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Comments 99

musicnkisses October 3 2019, 23:43:18 UTC
I hate Angela, worst character on the show.


elderpricely October 3 2019, 23:44:13 UTC
I love cats and dogs (and reptiles and rodents etc). But I prefer having cats because dogs are a lot of work & put more limitations on your life.

Anyone who hates a type of animal is fucked up. Don't have them as a pet, fine, but they're innocent and your hatred is misplaced.

Dominic Monaghan (LotR/Lost) goes hard for animals on his IG, it's cute and educational.


alienjiive October 3 2019, 23:53:38 UTC
I love my dog so much but it's true that dogs put a lot of limitations on your life. Every little thing I do I have to think about how it affects my dog, I have to make arrangements for him all the time and make sure he's getting the attention/exercise he needs, I feel bad if I'm gone from the house for more than a few hours. It's kind of insane and ngl can sometimes get exhausting. Like it's a lot of responsibility.

But alas...

... )


jellycar October 3 2019, 23:58:34 UTC
mte!! although I don't have either a cat or dog so I can't judge on that part :'(


musicnkisses October 3 2019, 23:59:59 UTC
Pet rats and mice are so cute.


queenweasley October 3 2019, 23:45:49 UTC
I am totally a cat person. I do love dogs (we have both a cat and a dog) but I definitely prefer cats. Mainly because I don’t have to get up in the morning and traipse around outside with my cat waiting for him to poop (like I do with the dog, the joys of apartment living. Lol).

Angela is one of my favorite characters from The Office. It helps that the actress who plays her seems super sweet in real life.


choukoumei October 3 2019, 23:52:42 UTC
Dogs are really cute but they are generally too much for me, I'm definitely a cat person. I'm a quiet person who likes spending time at home so cats are really great companions for me. I have 2 cats and I love them so much.


ahkna October 3 2019, 23:53:00 UTC
As far as animals I prefer, I like cats and dogs equally.

In terms of my own personality, I am a cat. It's a running joke in my family since I was a kid that I have the personality of a cat. My dad even skritches my ears as a little affectionate gesture.

ETA one of my cats has been screaming for attention for the last hour because the wife and I have been at the hospital all day and both of us are too ill to chase her around like she wants.


likeiused2 October 3 2019, 23:59:33 UTC
hope you both feel better bb
make that lil nugget come to you


ahkna October 4 2019, 00:14:09 UTC
thanks, bb! we're on our way.


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