Joaquin Phoenix talks about the possibility of Joker inciting violence IRL

Sep 24, 2019 01:34

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Phoenix tried to absolve filmmakers from any responsibility. I still think their approach for the joker could be better.


film, apology / damage control, joaquin phoenix, i can't, interview

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Comments 67

cbluechicken September 24 2019, 13:03:34 UTC
Feel free to drag me if I'm reaching but in today's world with all these crazy ass white men, esp those that probably really love these types of films...we should address this and it's a real reality. Not saying "BUT OUR VIDEOGAMES" but I don't see anything wrong with addressing that it is a component along with poor gun laws (this is a US perspective). Maybe this is a bad take, so someone gimme perspective if I'm way off.


sibylblack September 24 2019, 13:06:08 UTC
As someone who's not from the US, I think some of the people talking about what will happen when this movie is released sound catastrophic. But sadly I also see your point and unfortunately until things change in the USA for weapons (so... never) this kind of speech will come up thousands times in the future.


saemcrh September 24 2019, 13:10:56 UTC
I don't think it's a bad take, I think there is something to be said for the normalisation or desensitisation of violence that happens in the media. That goes for film, TV, games, the internet, even the news when they show traumatic clips without warning.

I think where some of the disconnect is, is that I don't think you can link a specific film to inspiring... for example, a shooting (someone please correct me if I'm wrong). People will say Aurora but that was a shooting that happened at a screening for The Dark Knight Rises, it wasn't because of the film itself.

It seems when people ask anyone this, they're always pointing at specific films, games, or anything else, when the questions would maybe be better received if they asked about how violent media contributes to desensitisation to violence in general. Also linking into that, how most of these violent films and games are straight, white males exerting 'revenge' or 'justice'.


cbluechicken September 24 2019, 13:41:44 UTC
you articulated this better than I could. Thanks. That's what I meant.


josiefier September 24 2019, 13:04:55 UTC

All I know is I'm seeing it that Thursday just in case something happens over the weekend that causes it to get pulled.


kerosene_pill September 24 2019, 18:53:48 UTC
Hope you stay safe bb and that you're able to relax and enjoy the movie


sibylblack September 24 2019, 13:07:44 UTC
Well, he's right.


allfourone September 24 2019, 13:08:16 UTC
My friend wanted to go to Philly for her b-day for a concert that got cancelled and so she wanted to go see this in a big theater instead and I had to just veto that idea, I told her anything else in the world she wanted to do but I would not go see THIS movie in a big city.


therearewords September 24 2019, 13:13:04 UTC
We should go deeper.gif and wonder why a villain gets a backstory. Are we so disappointed in society that we can not be inspired by heroes anymore but still desire to see ourselves or our worst versions of ourselves on the screen? Why do we use mental illness as an excuse for violence but won't acknowledge those that suffer mental illnesses without defaulting to violence? And why does the male get room to become villainous out of a (misplaced) feeling of being denied and left behind and it will be lauded as an impressive character study, but never the woman?

... )


sibylblack September 24 2019, 13:16:37 UTC
Yeah but films shouldn't have to be censored? We are talking about a comic book character that was made up decades ago, it's not like they are trying to make us feel sorry for Ted Bundy or Ed Gein or whoever.


therearewords September 24 2019, 13:28:23 UTC
No film should necessarily be made at all, of course, but we're an animal that wants to be entertained. I don't think that censorship in this case would help either: what would you censor?


sibylblack September 24 2019, 14:15:50 UTC
Sorry, I wasn't suggesting censorship, I was implying that I don't think movies should be censored. I think it's telling that no other country but the US has an issue with this film, because of the gun laws.


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