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Comments 39

vaels September 23 2019, 21:09:40 UTC
I've never been the 100% silent treatment, I'm pointedly ignoring & not talking to you type, but I def feel Sunny. if someone pisses me off, I usually won't say anything right away. I back off & let myself process it before saying anything to see what my real emotions are about it, because otherwise I'll probably regret what I say. idk if that counts as silent treatment or just removing myself from the situation.

I used to be a real brat in my late teens/early twenties and was very guilty of just expecting the other person to know why I was upset. I've worked on that though & now know that communication is key.


carolinalily September 23 2019, 21:16:00 UTC
Same. I was sometimes reactionary growing up, not in a harsh or ugly way, but I never shy-ed from speaking up. Now, I'd rather listen and stay calm, then come back to it later. I may decide to leave it (e.g. choose your battles) or I may bring it up but I'm calm by then and worked out in my head how I want to address it. I grew up with a mom who does the silent treatment-cry-martyred victim-angry-ignore like it never happened, while my dad always had to suffer in silence and psychically figure out what she was mad about. I don't want to be like that in my life. But it took me living away and being on my own plus natural maturity, to be sure I wouldn't be like her. The best thing parents or caregivers can teach is conflict resolution, but I don't think that happens often, or maybe people aren't very good at it, and those bad traits get passed on, so here we are. (See, social media, from invention to now).


vaels September 23 2019, 21:29:19 UTC
yeah I was extremely reactionary as a kid too. I felt entitled to things going my way and when they didn't, I didn't hide that I was upset about it. even in my early twenties I was like that - it took a long time to train myself out of it! it was over the stupidest stuff too, like being on vacation & my boyfriend wanting to eat X type of food and me really wanting to eat a different type, and instead of trying to compromise or just do his thing & plan to do mine another night, I'd let myself get all moody and grumpy about it.

neither of my parents are like that and it's not like I wasn't disciplined as a kid, and I definitely didn't always get what I wanted if I put up a fight, so I have no idea where it came from, but I'm glad I was able to work it out of my system. current me would totally hate to have to deal with past me in a lot of situations tbh lol.


scriptedending September 23 2019, 22:11:16 UTC
Yeah, I think it's really difficult to avoid passing on our worst traits, especially when they come from an emotional place. Then you have to acknowledge what you're doing is hurtful and work on changing yourself, which is more work than a lot of people want to take on, so the cycle continues.


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fauxkaren September 23 2019, 21:29:05 UTC
Lol it’s kinda a one sided war. Bernie’s campaign is stalling out and going after Warren feels desperate. And it’s very stupid because her favorables are high and unfavorables are low. So like.... there’s a real risk of alienating his own supporters who like Warren.


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fauxkaren September 23 2019, 21:42:34 UTC
I think candidates are going to think about going after her (Biden has previewed some potential lines of attack) but I think it can backfire. In the long run, going after Biden didn’t help Kamala. It’s early enough still that going after a front runner is risky, and if you add Warren’s high favorables to that... idk. I’m not sure how much candidates are going to go after her.

(When I said it was a one sided war, I just meant that I haven’t seen Warren or her surrogates instigating. So the fact that I’m just seeing it coming from Bernie’s side is not a great look for his campaign.)


sandstorm September 23 2019, 21:22:39 UTC
Lol Iger. "Twitter is mean" cry into your 5$billion bonus while cast members starve.


sandstorm September 23 2019, 21:40:54 UTC
& I probably would be someone who gives a quiet treatment to a partner for a moment while I either think things out, or determine if I keep it up as a punishment, which means I'm not mature enough for a relationship and know better than to be in one.


scriptedending September 23 2019, 22:06:33 UTC
lol, the silent treatment is harder than you'd think, ime!


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syvlie0o0 September 23 2019, 21:57:09 UTC
I would but I have no representative in congress so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


fauxkaren September 23 2019, 22:03:59 UTC
My rep is already on board with impeachment. 😎

Do we know what the current count of Reps in favor of impeachment is?


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