Renner Rennsday Update: His Ex-Wife Wants Full Custody Of Their Child....Again! & More App Fun!

Sep 11, 2019 17:33

Jeremy Renner’s ex-wife seeks sole custody of their daughter, demands monitored visitation
- Hindustan Times (@HindustanTimes) September 11, 2019
Jeremy Ex-Wife want full physical & legal custudy of their 6 year-old child & demands that any visits the child makes to her father are monitored. The custody hearing in November ( Read more... )

who asked for this, fandom / stan culture, slow news day, family drama, legal / lawsuit, jeremy renner, actor / actress

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Comments 18

sandstorm September 11 2019, 22:35:33 UTC
Why does this man have so much news.


dance_electro September 11 2019, 22:38:09 UTC
OP bless you for the Rennsday updates. I’m mildly obsessed with this cornball rn.


rexilla September 11 2019, 22:41:58 UTC
I liked one tweet about Renner and now twitter shows me a section that is exclusively Renner-centric so it's like the app never really died


bostongirl2003 September 11 2019, 22:45:01 UTC
has his ex said why she wants sole custody and monitored visits?


soul_amazinn September 11 2019, 23:00:29 UTC
Not getting the money she initially wanted and is trying to hurt and control him most likely.


d00ditsemily September 12 2019, 01:20:56 UTC
which is shitty. i just now took my ex to court after him pushing me around for 3 years in regards to my daughter. I keep it all quiet pretty much and only went when he refuses to compromise and became extremely nasty to me at every turn for no reason. He hasn't been paying child support (which was under what the state would make him pay) because "he couldn't afford it" but can afford a new truck, and new toys.... It sucks and he can suck but I would never take my daughter from him or demand more than what is right.


fotografa September 12 2019, 03:32:41 UTC
I'm sorry you & your baby are going through that. People who don't take care of their kids are shit!


leinyan September 11 2019, 22:49:17 UTC
what is it about this man that people find so compelling, exactly?


talklikelions September 12 2019, 02:31:55 UTC

Apparently he’s hot but I’m still trying to figure out where


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