Kevin Hart Gaslighted Lil Nas X Over Homophobia

Sep 04, 2019 19:08

The comedian, who once joked he would become violent with his own son should he find him playing with dolls, feigned ignorance as to why @LilNasX weighed coming out so seriously.
- Out Magazine (@outmagazine) September 4, 2019

In a clip from Lebron James's HBO show, "The Shop: Uninterrupted", Lil Nas X was asked why he felt ( Read more... )

lgbtq / rights, television - hbo, kevin hart, black celebrities, music / musician (rap and hip-hop)

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Comments 128

zoaster_toaster September 5 2019, 01:16:26 UTC
Kevin Hart is such an asshole.


beaucadeau September 5 2019, 01:17:56 UTC
lbr if you are marginalized you will experience psychological terrorism and there is nothing you can do about it


alienjiive September 5 2019, 01:34:45 UTC
Fml if that ain’t the truth


veritas_44 September 5 2019, 01:42:06 UTC


tadpool September 5 2019, 04:13:41 UTC
for real


swissbeauty23 September 5 2019, 01:18:29 UTC
god that video clip is so unsettling. why was this poor kid put in the room with these homophobes and forced to endure that?!


alienjiive September 5 2019, 01:34:18 UTC


saintclaire87 September 5 2019, 01:36:15 UTC
Ikr? I hope he was ok.


devourlove September 5 2019, 01:46:51 UTC
mte i absolutely hate when a marginalized person is put on a platform in front of people who aren't going to listen to them in order to "convince" them. absolutely HATE that shit


likewowman September 5 2019, 01:21:53 UTC
so impressed by the way Lil Nas X handled himself and handled the transparently manipulative bullshit they were giving him; especially considering how hard that must have been with the power differential between them. he's something special.

kevin hart is so full of shit.


stewie_e September 5 2019, 01:22:37 UTC
While he was talking, Kevin Hart interrupted with: “He said he was gay! So what!”

Of course Kevin Hart had to interrupt him and not even let him speak for himself and be the one to say it.


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