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Comments 11

violet_crumble9 August 24 2019, 12:36:12 UTC
i guess im watching this til the bloody end. im excited at the premise for this season and hope they stick the landing. 7 seasons is v impressive. cannot believe that this out of all the marvel shows had the longevity lol


ivy_b August 24 2019, 12:37:50 UTC
The last two seasons have been meh for me, but I'm here till the end. Time heist type of season could be fun, definitely hope it sticks the landing. 7 seasons is a hell of a run.


t_snake August 24 2019, 12:42:34 UTC
same, im not happy w the whole lmd coulson thing but ill still watch


ivy_b August 24 2019, 12:44:33 UTC
LMD Coulson is such an insult to real Coulson, he wouldn't have wanted that. Just let him stay dead or bring him back, this is worse than Sarge/possessed clone Coulson.


therearewords August 24 2019, 13:23:52 UTC
Seeing Coulson in Captain Marvel made me unpleasantly flash back to when everyone loved Coulson, needed him alive and in every project etc. He's been dead for a while now though, right?


littlebones August 24 2019, 14:07:06 UTC
i don't believe it was ever explained in the marvel films that he's still alive.

they had explained in the first or second season how he was resurrected or whatever, but i haven't watched in a few years, so idk about this clone life model decoy shit.


ivy_b August 24 2019, 19:20:16 UTC
He was resurrected in AoS by Nick Fury, using Kree blood. At the end of s4 Ghost Rider removed the Kree blood that healed him, so he was dying. He died between seasons 5 and 6, the upcoming final season is s7.


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ivy_b August 24 2019, 19:22:47 UTC

... )


leenerific August 24 2019, 14:37:53 UTC
I still need to watch last season. I think I only watched a few episodes, got bored and forgot to keep up lol

They just shouldn't have killed Coulson off if they wanted Clark on the show that badly cause Sarge and now this enhanced LMD of Coulson is just meeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh lol


ivy_b August 24 2019, 19:25:14 UTC
Honestly, it's a boring season, so I don't blame you. There was a lot of plot stalling and randomness.

IA, they could have not killed him, or found a way to bring him back, I would have even accepted the Sarge situation but LMD is just disrespecting Coulson's memory and creepy.


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