Kylie Jenner Faces Backlash for 'Tone Deaf' Handmaid's Tale-Themed Party People (@people)
June 10, 2019 In a very real time where many American women are worrying about having the ability to have reproductive rights to their bodies in the future, Kylie Jenner threw a Handmaid's Tale birthday party for one of her best friend's Anastasia “Stassie” Karanikolaou’s birthday.
The party was complete with Handmaid’s costume, praise be vodka” and “under his eye tequila, with Kylie's house being completely transformed to look like Gilead which is where the dystopian novel takes place.
Many people are obviously not amused by this party and don't even think Kylie or her friends understand the real horror and message of the book and television show.
It’s 2019 and Kylie Jenner is hosting a “Handmaid’s Tale” themed birthday party...SIS... cayley (@cayley_plotkin)
June 9, 2019 Would you throw a birthday party based around the suffering of women?
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