Russian TV to air its own patriotic retelling of Chernobyl story

Jun 08, 2019 15:04

Russian TV to air its own patriotic retelling of Chernobyl story
- The Guardian (@guardian) June 7, 2019

Hoo boy. Looks like HBO has tickled the sleeping dragon, by dragon I mean ex-KGB agent Putin the Kremlin ( Read more... )

television - hbo, side eyeing you, what is the truth

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Comments 85

ohwutevernvm June 8 2019, 14:56:28 UTC
No chill. I can’t @ this world lmao i-


sluttyroyals June 8 2019, 14:57:57 UTC
lmao how many tankies are gonna swallow this shit up, I wonder?


spankmypirate June 8 2019, 14:58:35 UTC
Waiting for them to show up lool


mhfromnh June 8 2019, 16:30:21 UTC

... )


spankmypirate June 8 2019, 16:34:39 UTC
Rofl, right on cue.

I just remembered they're the same person who denies the existence of Uighur concentration camps in China, so idk why I even bother arguing.


ellie_andrews June 8 2019, 15:04:05 UTC
i need to finish Chernobyl. i had a dream that someone was arguing w me that jared harris was a bad actor and i woke up grumpy lol


bulastar June 9 2019, 00:15:23 UTC
yeah mte I'm always happy to see him show up in stuff, and if it's a TV show its usually an indicator that it will be a good series. He seems to have the opposite effects for movies though


zazie_toujours June 8 2019, 15:09:02 UTC
Omg Jesus Christ. Chernobyl was made with so much respect and admiration for the Russian citizens who risked or gave their lives dealing with the fallout. Dick move.


spankmypirate June 8 2019, 15:18:35 UTC
If anything, everyone no matter which country they are from, can relate to the main antagonist of the series, which was a lying, power hungry government ignoring scientists and experts trying to get the truth out and save not only their country but millions of lives.

Like it's so easy to draw parallels between what happened back then and the current climate crisis in some ways.

Also lol @ the show's running theme of the USSR being more worried about their reputation than people dying and modern Russia just doing their best to reinforce that point. Unbelievable.


nice4wine June 8 2019, 15:32:00 UTC
Exactly. The show was an indictment of the Soviet system of government but also a celebration of the ordinary people/scientists/individual bureaucrats who literally gave their lives to stem the disaster and uncover the truth.


thebadunkadunk June 8 2019, 17:28:34 UTC
It’s received very positive feedback from actual Russians. They quibble on like the slightest of historical inaccuracies like windows but overall very impressed


oltschi June 8 2019, 15:11:31 UTC
The truth is that once my parents found out about the blast, the radiactive cloud has already passed over them. My mom always says that the weather was beautiful and her and her sister were sun-tanning every day while the cloud was above. If it wasn't for some Swedish radiostation listened to illegaly in my country (in Poland during communist era it was forbidden by law to listen to 'foreign' radio-stations) they would have never found out about it. Then there was this whole madness about compulsory iodine drinking even though it would have done jack shit by then.


am2m June 8 2019, 16:15:45 UTC
did she had health issues?


oltschi June 8 2019, 16:21:57 UTC
Luckily, no. Her sister had her thyroid removed years later, but we do not have any proof that the changes in her thyroid were caused by this.


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