It was Grace Byers' husband Trai who encouraged her to stop hiding her Caymanian accent and worrying about what other people would say about it. MadameNoire (@MadameNoire)
June 6, 2019 - "Empire" star Grace Byers was born in Pennsylvania to a Caymanian mom and American dad. They moved to the Cayman Islands when she was a
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Comments 40
SOME people do have a certain way of like obtusely almost deliberately just refusing to even listen to someone with an accent they don't personally get/like, especially if it's considered 'ethnic' by them and foreign in some manner. Then being like "BUT I JUST CAN'T UNDERSTAND YOU!!" When actually they're willfully refusing to understand cos they're an asshole.
It completely makes sense though that she changed her accent to fit in more, especially as a black WOC who will already be fighting harder for limited opportunities. Shouldn't be the case at all, of course :(
And to answer the question, i'm constantly shifting the way I sound to fit in with my surroundings (socially and professionally).
my mom is Tanzanian, and my siblings and i all have no idea what her accent sounds like lol. i can imitate my aunties and decipher other East/West African accents, but its so weird, i cannot tell mimic my mom's accent at all hahaha
Whenever i'm talking with anyone who doesn't have English as a first language, or has a heavy foreign accent, if they at ANY point apologise for it it makes me so sad for them, cos like, nobody should have to apologise for annyyyy of that. They can all speak 100000000% better English than I can speak their own language, so! And accents are accents, like whatever.
(That being said, I used to live up near Newcastle, and some real thick Geordie accents are indecipherable to like ALL of humanity, so they don't count lmao. Sorry ONTD Geordies!)
However, it comes out when I'm more comfortable with someone or if I'm mad as hell.
But for real there are UK accents that are 700% more indecipherable than her accent but it’s always interesting how some accents are more “acceptable” than others.
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