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Comments 84

scriptedending April 18 2019, 02:44:53 UTC
I don't grow my own food, but I can relate to being cheap about certain things.

For example... I never valet park. I will drive around looking for a space for ten minutes and walk three blocks, I don't care, but I refuse to pay someone else to park my car for me. I know lots of you are probably like "well I don't valet either!", but it's like 100x more common in LA than any other city I've ever been to - everywhere has a damn valet!! I've mentioned this before, but even the IHOP down the street from me has a valet. It's insane.

I also wouldn't pay $5 to wash one pair of underwear, that's ludicrous. I draw the line at packing avocados.


ah0000 April 18 2019, 02:49:36 UTC

One time I circled around for an hour because I refused to valet or even park in a lot and ended up just leaving lol. I mean it was my first time driving in the area. Downtown LA is also very scary to drive through, too many cars and people and narrow one way streets


scriptedending April 18 2019, 03:05:32 UTC
Oooh no!

Yeah, certain parts of DTLA can be tough. In areas like that, I will do a couple laps to see if I get lucky, but then I'll cave and pay for a garage. The trick is googling a cheap one ahead of time!


lloydsgurl April 18 2019, 02:52:18 UTC
I vallet at hotels if available bc I travel alone and am worried about parking garages. But for restaurants nah


picturemegone April 18 2019, 02:45:52 UTC

... )


frenchmoodle April 18 2019, 02:49:21 UTC
I think that's wiser than blowing your wealth on shrunken heads and castles like Nicolas Cage does.


picturemegone April 18 2019, 03:13:50 UTC
it's crazy how much money he blew on real estate smh


lloydsgurl April 18 2019, 02:50:05 UTC
is it jut because I live in California that I’ve never known avocados to be expensive? I swear they are always like .50/each 🤷🏻‍♀️


ohwutevernvm April 18 2019, 02:56:09 UTC
That's correct. I love avocados. Basically it's rounded up to a cool buck you can find anywhere even in local stores and farmer's market. shrugs


scriptedending April 18 2019, 02:58:05 UTC
yep, they are way more expensive in a lot of other states, and the taste can be really off, too.


lolzerz April 18 2019, 03:09:49 UTC
theyre 67 cents in colorado lol


mmmalvina April 18 2019, 02:50:56 UTC
I hate avocados, their fatty buttery texture makes me gag


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