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Comments 55

meganlynn09 April 17 2019, 18:59:57 UTC
Binti: The Night Masquerade, by Nnedi Okorafor
Katherine Arden (2nd year of eligibility)


I'm usually pretty bad at following these kinds of awards though lol.

Oh, and The Good Place: “Janet(s),” YESS, this was such a great episode.


ms_geekette April 17 2019, 19:10:17 UTC
Yeah, if I were voting, that Good Place ep would probably be rated #1 or 2 on my list. D'arcy killed it!

The only reason I knew the awards had been released is that a friend posted about it in her journal (she had a WorldCon membership for last year and also participated in the 2019 Hugo noms) and I subscribe to the Tor.com blog digest/whatever by email. Otherwise, I missed the Nebulas announcement. I assume Locus hasn't happened yet (and maybe British Fantasy?), but then this award is a more spread-out between books/shorter fiction/art/video than the others and probably would interest more people, perhaps. It was "fun" dusting off the old studio name tags. And now the Tom Cruise Mummy film makes more sense.


squirrels_oh_no April 17 2019, 19:03:08 UTC
Why does it feel like some of those books came out 2+ years ago?

Also Children of Blood and Bone is extremely overrated


ms_geekette April 17 2019, 19:23:34 UTC
The YA nominees seem to have taken over a bit from the Sad Puppies with their online messiness, tbh.

There's the stuff with Tomi and Nora Roberts, and didn't Justina Ireland do something, and I thought Holly Black was a perma-Cassandra Clare pal (unless I am confusing her with someone else).

Unfortunately, those 3 are probably the front-runners.


squirrels_oh_no April 17 2019, 19:35:36 UTC
YA is just a fucking mess these days


ellaellaeheheh April 17 2019, 19:04:46 UTC
I watched the Lindsay Ellis videos on The Hobbit because of this and they are very interesting. I had no idea about WB and the change in labor laws in New Zeland.


yeezus_christ April 17 2019, 19:05:45 UTC
that video series is so good--as all of her videos are--and so depressing.


meganlynn09 April 17 2019, 19:05:08 UTC
Any non-English language/US fantasy and/or science fiction that tickled your fancy in 2018? In 2019?

I read the official English translation of Vita Nostra last year, which was...interesting, to say the least.


squirrels_oh_no April 17 2019, 19:36:25 UTC
I feel like the translation could have been tighter but that book was fucking weird


meganlynn09 April 17 2019, 19:55:40 UTC
It was lol but I find myself thinking about it sometimes.


squirrels_oh_no April 17 2019, 19:56:45 UTC
I think about it in the sense of, how the hell can a person be a verb?!


yeezus_christ April 17 2019, 19:05:13 UTC
kudos to you op because i'm sure this post took a while to compose.

i recently watched a short film called the manual that i think i liked overall. or at least has stayed with me and become more interesting the more i think about it.

also, i really like the idea of rewarding work retroactively.


ms_geekette April 17 2019, 19:15:31 UTC
Thank you. I almost put a note to the mods to not reject it because it would make me cry, lol. I had this bad boy backed-up, though.

Thanks a lot for all the videos! <3 I hadn't heard of any of these! One thing that annoys me about awards like this is smaller stuff doesn't get recognition. I *think* the Hugos committee releases the longer nominee list after the awards are given, so the less mainstream stuff will hopefully get some mentions then.


yeezus_christ April 17 2019, 20:11:46 UTC
i agree. there's so much quality media that end up being overlooked, but i'm glad that they eventually get some recognition at least in the form of the full nomination list. i'm definitely looking forward to some new discoveries once the list is released.


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