The Magicians 4x13 Finale Promo "The Seam"

Apr 11, 2019 20:30

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Episode Summary: Quentin and Josh get cake. Quentin reflects on his actions.


I recently binge-watched the entire show and this was the first episode I watched in real-time... but I was sort of disappointed - thoughts on the season and hopes for the finale?

the magicians (syfy), television - syfy, television promo / stills, discussion

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Comments 37

addictedgal April 12 2019, 01:08:45 UTC
So yeah I just bingewatched all of this show in the last week and a bit and it's always weird coming off that to weekly scheduled episodes lol. I read the comments on past ONTD posts as I watched the show too lol ( ... )


maxvandenburg April 12 2019, 01:27:28 UTC
i miss eliot so much :( i'm biased but i really feel the show suffers from his absence, which kinda works for a season that's supposed to be bleak, but still. we better get a reunion next week. i need to see him and margo hug it out.

re q/eliot i can't imagine they don't circle back around to this. it's so weird to see response to 4x12 along the lines of "i guess q/alice is endgame now" like the show is ending next week. i'm not a fan of love triangles but i'm actually curious to see where they take this.

welcome to weekly watching aka suffering!


addictedgal April 12 2019, 01:40:27 UTC
Me too, there's a light missing without him. I didn't mind at first because I didn't think he'd be The Monster for the entire season but then when I started to realize that I was sad.

Tbh I still think Quentin/Alice will end up being endgame (would be happy if the show surprised me otherwise!) but I just want Quentin/Eliot to have some actual time to develop first. Or I would have preferred they gave Eliot a different relationship at least, he's never had an ACTUAL one which wasn't glaring before but now that Margo has Josh and Julia is getting Penny23, it's becoming more apparent? I just want more than like a 5x05 Queliot ep and back to nada lol. I wonder if the show may only have 5 seasons.


maxvandenburg April 12 2019, 13:25:30 UTC
I'm pretty fascinated by how the q/eliot storyline has played out so far, cause I still remember at last year's comic con one of the writers or producers said something along the lines of quentin and eliot being platonic, meanwhile jason ralph was using the word love and soulmates. I'm not sure when they changed their minds. it feels a bit like the writers room has some creative differences and this season was supposed to be a trial run, so they wanted to return to both q/eliot and q/alice to have a basis for whatever they pick in s5. I'd be surprised if it's not addressed at all in the finale, but either way I'm expecting them to double down on it in s5 based on audience reaction. if next season is the last, I can see q/eliot being endgame for that reason. it's too early for q and alice to get together and not be screwed over at some point ( ... )


maxvandenburg April 12 2019, 01:17:52 UTC
the margosh stuff was infuriating and the pacing has been a little off this season but overall i'm into it. q's monologue made me tear up. jason ralph is so good, damn.

on the other hand i've lost 10 years of my life getting annoyed at the biphobia in the fandom, so that's something


notoriousreign April 12 2019, 01:24:15 UTC
Are people acting like Quentin's suddenly not bi anymore because they can't grasp how bisexuality actually works? Because that's not surprising if so, but still infuriating.


maxvandenburg April 12 2019, 01:28:48 UTC
yeah basically. also the word queerbaiting has been used more than once, because apparently people don't get how arcs work


mondetriste April 12 2019, 02:18:40 UTC
I gotta come back to this post in a bit because I’m simultaneously watching the current season AND catching up on season 1 (I haven’t watched any of the other seasons except 4) so I don’t wanna be spoiled too much because I haven’t seen the lastest episode (4x12) yet.

That said, I’m hearing that they’re not exploring the Q+E relationship for the rest of the season cuz Q and Alice are gonna end up together and lmfaooo because they’re a dumpster fire of a couple and I kinda hope they do get back together for the lols and also, just generally speaking, I DEADASS FUCKING LOVE MARGO oh my god.


addictedgal April 13 2019, 04:12:03 UTC
Margo is amazing <3 I've loved her from the beginning but she has been developed even more and she keeps getting better! And her outfits are amazing.


angelgurl21 April 12 2019, 02:25:59 UTC
This episode was really disappointing and felt disjointed.

First of all, the weakest part of this show has ALWAYS been Quentin/Alice romantic relationship. The show finally started hitting a stride and then to bring those two back AGAIN, very rushed, just makes no sense. Especially spurred on by Quentin, who supposedly had some fucking self growth but apparently not.

Then there's Margo. They literally gave her the ability to be in TWO places at once. To use her fucking battle axes that she earned, while still literally keeping an eye on Josh. And she bowed out of the fight? No. That's total bullshit.

This episode pretty much took back a whole season's worth of buildup. It might as well have occurred episode one of the season, with Penny only interested in the save Eliot cause because of Julia, and Kady chasing a death wish to be with Penny.


addictedgal April 13 2019, 04:14:45 UTC
Yeah there was so much weird in this episode! I feel like they should just have backed up a bit for each, like the Margo Alice conversation was good but they didn't need to go so far as have Margo stay behind. The Quentin Alice forgiveness stuff would've been good too if he didn't go straight to 'let's try again' suddenly. I NEVER know what this show is doing with Kady, I really like her but they are so back and forth with her, it's strange. She had good relationships with Penny and Julia but then they will suddenly turn her combative with them and I'm confused by her.


vilandra212 April 12 2019, 03:18:45 UTC
the last episode was a mess smh
I’d say hopefully the finale is better but I think someone’s dying and I’m worried about who it is lol


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