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my_moloko April 8 2019, 03:04:40 UTC
I made it to the last round of my 4th grade spelling bee but my teacher wanted me to spell "lead" like a lead pencil whereas I thought she meant "led" and I didn't know that you could ask to have the word used in a sentence so I spelled the wrong one! I'm still pissed about that.


iznanassi April 8 2019, 04:35:03 UTC
when i was in 6th(?) grade we had a spelling bee that included capitalization and my final word was "Buffalo" (the city) but i thought it was the animal, then i realized that i wasn't sure which one it was so i asked for it to be used in a sentence

my sentence was "you can see buffalo"

so i still had no fucking clue and i blanked on asking for a definition

i am also angry, spelling bees are scams!


jarellano89 April 8 2019, 04:14:41 UTC
That’s annoying. I came in 4th out of my district, but I lost cause I didn’t know how to spell vague. I was in 6th grade and had never heard or used that word before. My hot teacher kept talking shit on me after, I think he knew I had a crush on him and would always single me out in class.

I saw him at the gym a year ago, he’s still hot, but he isn’t married to the same chick from school, his new girl is like in her 20s, and he has to be in his 50s now, maybe late 40s. I’m not surprised tho.


ironicmustache April 8 2019, 02:55:20 UTC
i love geography! i wish i were better at it, though. my favorite ways to kill time at work are playing geoguessr and the "countries of the world" game on sporcle.
i'm a librarian at a university, but i wish i were a map librarian. unfortunately i think that's a position that is getting eliminated at most places :(


sakuramochii April 8 2019, 03:17:36 UTC
now i want to play these games and get better at geography!


allons_y42 April 8 2019, 03:52:53 UTC
Oh man I used to be so good at the countries of the world sporkle game. I would do that quiz when schoolwork was stressing me out and it really helped my brain relax


squirrelsarerad April 8 2019, 04:39:42 UTC
I love Sporcle. I play the name the countries, name the capitals, and world flag quizzes semi regularly.


mrs_arcadian April 8 2019, 02:56:02 UTC
I'm very bad at geography. Like legitimately awful. But somehow I still ended up in the geography bee as a kid because I did better than the rest of my class. My tactic once I got to the bee was just to guess 'Ireland' because I liked it. So I'm not being modest to say I suck at geography (though I'm better now that I'm out of school and studied a bit more independently). I honestly got taught so little geography in school; if anyone from my class improved it is not because the school system helped them.


surprisesidney April 8 2019, 02:57:00 UTC

Our crowning glory.


yeezus_christ April 8 2019, 02:58:30 UTC
my first thought when i saw this post.
you guys deserve better.


alexlover14 April 8 2019, 14:36:10 UTC
Good on that campaign!

There was a recent law introduced that stated Shetland (the northern-most island archipelago in the UK) should no longer be put in a box but to make the map propotionate, like the below. Because it annoyed them to be an afterthought and seemingly less important.

... )


lolzerz April 8 2019, 02:57:11 UTC
i really love geography. give me a blank map and i can fill out all the countries and capitals. its my only talent.


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