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Comments 120

little_giant March 10 2019, 18:55:36 UTC
I want to know where all of Gemma Chan's scenes went because otherwise i'm surprised she signed up for a role with like, three lines even if it is a Marvel movie.


nightwing30 March 10 2019, 19:15:24 UTC
I was disappointed by the lack of Gemma, I know she had a small role but I was still surprised by how small.Tbf to her, she did get the role before Crazy Ruch Asian came out and let’s be honest, roles for Asian women are hard to come by in Hollywood.


treenotree March 10 2019, 20:47:03 UTC
i was surprised how small her role is because i feel like she's been very prominent on the press tour? i expected her to have a role like jude law or lashana lynch. especially when it seems she's doing more press than jude, the interviews i've seen have usually been brie, SLJ, gemma and lashana.


ext_1366378 March 11 2019, 02:37:08 UTC
maybe she got bigger after Crazy Rich Asians but by then already finished filming Captain Marvel, so they put her in the front row of the press tour?


nightwing30 March 10 2019, 19:03:01 UTC
I was a little worried by some of the reviews but I ended really enjoying the movie. The best part of the movie was Carol’s relationships with Maria, Fury, and Monica. Which of course makes total sense for me as imo Carol in the comics is always written the strongest when her friendships with Spider-women, Jessica Jones, Iron Man, etc. are highlighted. As excited as I am to see grown up Monica, I also hope Maria sticks around though.
[Spoiler (click to open)]I loved that she got to go to space and fly a spaceship and be an active part of the third act... )


meganlynn09 March 10 2019, 19:30:14 UTC
Honestly, I was thinking along similar lines.

[Spoiler (click to open)]Like, I don't mind Talos and fam being just refugees wanting a home but I'm really ehhh on them painting that brush seemingly over all the Skrulls. Though, this could obviously be revisited in a sequel - and I hope it is. MCU was willing to try and tackle Civil War and Infinity War in the movies, no reason they can't tease or play with Secret Invasion - why else introduce the Skrulls?


nightwing30 March 10 2019, 19:56:14 UTC
Yeah, I’m not completely writing off the possibility but I’m less hopeful. [Spoiler (click to open)]The sequel could be about Carol finding out the Skrulls aren’t great either and lead into an Avengers SI movie but that will undercut their story line from this film.


purpleempire March 10 2019, 21:19:45 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]I feel like, to your last point, it would be too difficult to do that seeing as their seeming presence on Earth since 1995 would complicate everything that came after that, timeline and character-wise. How can we trust that someone we've been following isn't a Skrull? And tbh, if they did do that and revealed in Endgame that say, Rhodey was a Skrull all along, I would hate that SO MUCH because it just writes the character off as nothing more than an invader the entire series.

It's far too complex to do imo


viudanegra March 10 2019, 19:04:41 UTC
During the scene between Carol and Minn-Erva in which Carol asked her if they never hung out because Minn-Erva knew who she was, the Spanish subtitles made it seem like Carol was asking her if they never went out, like on dates, because of who Carol was and I thought that was hilarious.


hateistoodark March 10 2019, 20:26:48 UTC
I noticed that lmao


viudanegra March 10 2019, 20:30:10 UTC
Whoever did the subtitles had an agenda and I'm very thankful for it.


headswillroll88 March 10 2019, 23:30:32 UTC
it's gay either way


meow_tan March 10 2019, 19:05:41 UTC
i just got back from my second viewing. i really enjoyed it even more and i tried to keep an eye out on the criticisms i heard and i think people are being super hard on this movie. i've seen multiple men complain about the "shaky cam" in the fight scenes, but i genuinely didn't notice a single shaky shot? and im sensitive to shaky cam in films it makes me nauseous.


viudanegra March 10 2019, 19:14:14 UTC
The only shaky camera that I noticed, but that I loved because of the context of the scene, is when she leaves the room in which they were listening to the black box and Maria goes after her. It made sense for the camera to be shaky because she was shaken by the news about Yon-Rogg lying to her for the past 6 years.


meow_tan March 10 2019, 19:17:22 UTC
yeah! that was totally fine and it only lasted a moment. everyone was complaining about specifically fight scene shaky cam which i just did not notice at all.


bttrsondaughter March 10 2019, 20:00:32 UTC
That was one of the best scenes in the movie. It really looked like something out of an indie movie, just Carol against all that gray sky.


kota_kami March 10 2019, 19:15:05 UTC
Saw it twice, and loved it even more the second time around. Carol Danvers is literally everything

If only Wanda had gotten the same treatment.

... )


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