Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid have settled grievances with the NFL

Feb 16, 2019 17:17

Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid have settled grievances with the NFL, but the resolution is “subject to a confidentiality agreement,” per @markgeragos
- Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) February 15, 2019

Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid have settled grievances with the NFL.
The resolution is “subject to a confidentiality agreement,”

The agreement settles a dispute after Kaepernick filed a collusion grievance arguing that NFL teams had blackballed him for kneeling during the national anthem to protest racial inequalities that exist in the U.S.
- Mark Geragos (@markgeragos) February 15, 2019

source, 2

sports / athletes - football (nfl / cfl), black celebrities, legal / lawsuit, race / racism
