Study Finds Significant Increase In Representation For Females & People Of Color In Top Grossing Films Of 2018 Deadline Hollywood (@DEADLINE)
February 12, 2019You can thank Black Panther, Crazy Rich Asians, Aquaman, and Into The Spider-verse, I'm sure.
Dr. Stacy L. Smith and the USC Anneberg Inclusion Initiative found that Out of the top-100 Grossing films of 2018....
- 40 films featured a lady in a lead or co-lead role over 2017's 32.
- 28 movies had a lead or co-lead from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group.
- 11 films featured a WOC from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group.
- This was a 12-year high for ladies (including white women) leading or co-leading the action.
- The 4% Challenge encourages studios to hire more female directors (Universal will hire a whopping 1 every 18 months!)
source A comment at the tweet source wonders about representation off screen, in below the line productions. Fair question.