Outlander | Season 4 Official Trailer

Sep 10, 2018 15:05

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In Season 4, a reunited Claire and Jamie will start a home in the new world-but what awaits them there? Outlander returns November 4 to STARZ.


So excited for this to come back!

television - starz, british celebrities, outlander (starz), television promo / stills

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Comments 47

ultrasushi September 10 2018, 19:14:41 UTC

uuurgh blocked in canada once again! :(


dannyupshaw September 10 2018, 19:19:11 UTC


oblivious_frog September 10 2018, 19:20:41 UTC
Try this tweet?

Whatever awaits in the new world, Claire and Jamie will face it together. #Outlander returns to @STARZ November 4. https://t.co/GEqYWkh3e3 pic.twitter.com/qkYxgQF2l5
- Outlander (@Outlander_STARZ) September 10, 2018


mjspice September 10 2018, 20:46:24 UTC

cuteej4 September 10 2018, 19:15:38 UTC
Aren't they supposed to be like 10 or 20 years older? A little gray in her hair doesn't really age her that much...


oblivious_frog September 10 2018, 19:19:42 UTC
The author spends a ridiculous amount of time in the books discussing how good she looks despite her age lmao


cuteej4 September 10 2018, 19:21:12 UTC
Lmao. I tried reading the first one. I never did get past the honeymoon.


puro_desmadre September 10 2018, 21:14:25 UTC
Ugh I can't with her writing. So bad. And I don't care if they don't look old. I only want to see hot people fucking kthxs.


motherofcatss September 10 2018, 19:17:35 UTC
I loved the first season of this show, when Jamie was hot af. Then he got ugly and I lost interest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I think I will watch the meeting with Brianna though.


m_pendulum September 10 2018, 19:18:31 UTC
I truly dislike Outlander, but I'll watch anything for Maria Doyle Kennedy


__onthebound September 10 2018, 19:50:39 UTC
i love mdk sfm


m_pendulum September 10 2018, 19:51:20 UTC
She's so good in everything.


dazzleships September 11 2018, 05:02:17 UTC
omg so that is the lady from The Commitments! 😮


satellite__eyes September 10 2018, 19:35:48 UTC
Ill watch and moan my way through the whole season.

The last scene of last season was TURRIBLE.


mrs_dalliard September 11 2018, 22:38:27 UTC
lol that is me. like, i'll watch, but i will bitch all the way. it's not quite hate-watching so much as complain-watching.


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