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Comments 81

sabriendra August 13 2018, 11:30:04 UTC
I AM a 1d rabid fan and even I’m like ???? Louis??? Really?? Why?! Tbh his fans are the meanest, craziest fans I’ve ever encountered so I guess they just demolished everyone else..? That’s the only reasonable explanation.


waffletaco August 13 2018, 12:03:37 UTC
This seems like some PR/marketing setup or something to jumpstart buzz for his solo career that has yet to start.


sabriendra August 13 2018, 13:12:02 UTC
Wait I’m confused? Isn’t this voted by fans? That’s the only way he could’ve won this. Surely no one “from the industry” would’ve chosen him. His last song was not only a flop but also months and months ago with zero pr.
also what solo career? he’s gonna be on the xf, so that’s him booked until mid December 2019 (told you I’m a rabid fan lmao) .. I really just think it’s his crazy bullying fans that got him this.. only to prove he’s more popular and has a better shot than the rest of the boys


waffletaco August 14 2018, 08:14:04 UTC
it's less about him winning and more a wtf that he was nominated in the first place.

Niall has been touring non stop and the amount of tv appearances I've seen Liam on doing his 2 singles, you'd think he had an album out or something by now.

I literally only know Louis doing an EDM song in the past year, so still, what has he been doing? :o


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maxvandenburg August 13 2018, 11:40:16 UTC
these choices... youths.gif


buries August 13 2018, 11:40:35 UTC
how the fuck did cole sprouse win????

super bitter melissa won over candice patton but w/e.


nicolesaid_uck August 13 2018, 11:52:17 UTC
meghan trainor's career is deader than dead


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