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Comments 22

graveyardgirl7 December 28 2017, 17:36:17 UTC
Has this season been any good? I've been meaning to catch up.


lauraohlaura December 28 2017, 21:05:32 UTC
I still enjoy watching the show for its vibe (scenery, outfits) and some characters, but the writing can be pretty shit. Some episodes this season have been actually good tho


graveyardgirl7 December 28 2017, 23:46:38 UTC
yeah the world itself is why i stick with it when the writing gets bad. i'm going to start the new season tho i have faith that ivar does a good enough job carrying the show now that ragnar's gone.


zeysech December 28 2017, 17:38:57 UTC
Hirst is garbage, what was the point of that? What was the point of having Astrid gangraped? I can’t even focus on the things I enjoyed about this ep bc his shitty fucking ass had to go and do something that gross.


mammary_glands December 28 2017, 17:42:20 UTC
i can't remember, did we even like anything about the episode? lmao

maybe margrethe challenging lagertha, but she'll probably die or be raped soon for her supposed treachery anyway, knowing how hirst writes.


zeysech December 28 2017, 17:46:03 UTC
I liked Margrethe, Ivar mentioning Aslaug, and Aethelred's bonding time with Aethelwulf but I'd trade it all in for that scene with Astrid to have NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED


mammary_glands December 28 2017, 17:39:40 UTC
starting a petition to have michael hirst blood eagled tbh

astrid deserves better. last night straight up churned my stomach. something is very, very wrong with the writing on a show when the natural consequence for a woman betraying a man for the woman she loves is that she's gang raped, which is how things came across to me.


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mammary_glands December 28 2017, 17:42:48 UTC
🗣️NO 🗣️


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mammary_glands December 28 2017, 17:47:11 UTC
you're better off, trust me


fibu December 28 2017, 17:50:37 UTC
How come every time i decide to check posts for this god forsaken show it gets much, much worse?


mammary_glands December 28 2017, 18:20:04 UTC
lmao fibu 😢 help me


kaiserschmarrn December 28 2017, 18:34:21 UTC
lol ikr? wtf!


ivy_b December 28 2017, 19:15:20 UTC
Clearly you're cursing the show and they keep trying to outdo themselves whenever you're going to check a post out.


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