Sofia Coppola Responds to ‘The Beguiled’ Backlash

Jul 15, 2017 20:27

Sofia Coppola Responds to ‘The Beguiled’ Backlash #thebeguiled
- IndieWire (@IndieWire) 15 juillet 2017

Coppola has been criticized for not including an African American character in her film.

following up this postShe felt that treating slavery as a side-plot would be insulting ( Read more... )

coppolas, film, film director

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Comments 113

headcaseheidi July 15 2017, 19:55:00 UTC
"hopes this discussion will bring attention to Hollywood that more films from the voices of filmmakers of color are needed"


i'm glad we're finally having this conversation, it's time


frankthesheep July 15 2017, 20:09:39 UTC
MTE when I read that line.


headcaseheidi July 15 2017, 20:07:52 UTC
but lmao so many white "intersectional" feminists i know have been losing their fucking minds over any criticism of this movie. the best was when one insisted there's not enough southern representation and "non-southern feminists" needed to shut up lmfao


the_pinkdress July 15 2017, 20:37:26 UTC
umm the epitome of southern feminism is/should be black feminism and black women's history... that's insane.


thirteencands July 15 2017, 21:37:47 UTC
lol white feminists with an ""intersectional"" façade show their true racist colours real fucking quick when ppl dare to call out their racist, misogynoirist faves. so sad.


29feb July 16 2017, 06:27:02 UTC
they're in this comm too lol

they're championing this privileged pig thinking solidarity because we're women~ but sofia has no thoughts for anyone who isn't lee radziwill. and, clearly, she's going to the grave as such. it's mind-blowing that you can consistently show the world who you are and people will still clean up your messes for you without your asking. that's privilege.


ohwutevernvm July 15 2017, 20:33:04 UTC
not surprised. White people/white feminism are her shtick-to-go and aesthetics for literally everything. The way she disregards this.... well, this pretty much confirms it when come to her.


the_pinkdress July 15 2017, 20:36:23 UTC
sorry but the excuse of "well i wouldn't be able to do it well so i encourage other POC to do it instead" is such bullshit. if you can't tell the story, then don't try to do it.

especially when an SC movie like this is held up like some bastion of feminist expression, it just further isolates WOC and esp. black women in the south from the history of women/feminism. art like hers doesn't exist in a vacuum.


civilsavage July 15 2017, 21:08:37 UTC
i think that's why her movies can feel dull and lifeless: they have the humanity and sterility of an empty art gallery. to the point that you can almost hear her defenders saying that the empty gallery is SUPPOSED to make you reflect on ~the absence of humanity~ or some dumb shit like that.

the side-eyeing never stops for some of us...


the_pinkdress July 15 2017, 20:38:31 UTC
ughh and i just feel like it's such a cowardly cop-out because it's PRETENDING like you care about the issue by saying, ohh well i just wanted it done RIGHT. someone else should do it, not me!
because you know it makes it more difficult for people to argue with that.

it's so manipulative.

this just makes me so mad.


thirteencands July 15 2017, 21:40:06 UTC
thank you. the disrespect is on another level.


sandstorm July 15 2017, 23:22:27 UTC


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