@SusanSarandon still think Donald Trump could bring the revolution? Watch the full interview: #inners- All In w/Chris Hayes (@allinwithchris)
February 16, 2017 Today, Susan Sarandon appeared on MSNBC's All In with Chris Hayes to talk about 45. She is also joined with Josh Fox. Let's just say her interview will leave you grabbing your hair in frustration.
Topics talked about:
how people are wasting time attacking her for her thoughts on politics
how clumsy 45 has been and how peaceful change could've been with Sanders
pipelines especially the Dakota Access Pipeline (Susan hammered Hayes about not talking about DAPL on MSNBC)
fracking and Obama/HRC's choice to side with oils
get Keith Ellison as DNC Chair and protests will continue to happen
how America is trailing behind EU in regards alternative energy sources
how people are WOKE because of 45
Mods, you cannot embed the MSNBC video.