Whaattttt is that Rachel Skarsten as Elizabeth?! (I presume without googling) Was she any good or did she flop like everyone else seemed to be flopping back in S1?
I'm a history nerd and even just for the costuming along I couldn't get past about 1x06 so i'm legit 'behind' lmao.
Maybe i'll get permadrunk and binge it one of these days!
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lmao oh lorddtttttt maybe i'll continue not giving it a chance. Elizabeth is one of my historical faves, I couldn't handle the secondhand embarrassment.
i stopped watching when francis was on his death bed. i see katherine is still her amazing bad ass self. i might have to try watching again just to watch to the end.
I adore this show, but I won't be sad to see it go. I'm glad it'll get a (hopefully) proper ending. I'm mentally preparing for Mary to get a horrible ending though, if they're going for history accuracy (which they really haven't so far, so here's hoping she gets a happy ending).
Comments 44
I'm a history nerd and even just for the costuming along I couldn't get past about 1x06 so i'm legit 'behind' lmao.
Maybe i'll get permadrunk and binge it one of these days!
Would fans say it got better/less cheesy/more watchable?
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