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Also the Angry Video Game Nerd released a video explaining that he won't be reviewing the film.
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He goes on to mansplain remakes / reboots and how it should not have the same name and it definitely does not at all have anything to do with them being women no not at all why would it and why can't it be like the Star Trek remake instead. He also mentions that he's glad Harold Ramis isn't alive to see this. He also gets pissy saying do we need to refer to the original as The Male Ghostbusters and we need to think of the children because they might think this is the only film there is and never know the one he grew up with.
SourceI grew up on Ghostbusters too and I really love it. I had the poster on my bedroom door as a little kid. Are there things I'm unsure about with this movie? Definitely. But you honestly can't tell me that all of these dudes would still be bitching if this was the exact same trailer but featuring Chris Pratt and three other dudes instead of these women.