masterpost: For you I bleed myself dry

Aug 07, 2012 12:58

Title: For you I bleed myself dry
Author: ohmydarlingdear
Artist: slowsunrise
Pairings: John/Sherlock
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: approx. 15,500
Summary: based loosely on My Sister's Keeper. Sherlock was born for the sole purpose of keeping Mycroft alive - Mycroft, who was suffering from leukemia. He is alone for so long and then suddenly he's not - he meets John and everything changes. John teaches him what it is to care and be cared for, to love and be loved. And Sherlock is, for the first time in his life, happy, really, really, stupidly happy.
A/N: written for johnlockbigbang and sort of as a fill for these prompts. thank you very much to slowsunrise for being so wonderful to work with and putting up with my extreme last-minuteness. her art is so lovely, so definitely be sure to take a look at that! and always, much thanks to my beta twoheartstolove.
(title borrowed from Coldplay)

ART MASTERPOST @ slowsunrise

pairing: john watson/sherlock holmes, written for: big bang, fandom: bbc sherlock, genre: au, type: masterpost, rating: pg-13, type: fic

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