Title:Opening Night
Pairings:OhnoxNino, ShoxAiba, NinoxAiba, OhnoxSho, JunxToma
Genre/Rating:AU, Fluff, Romance/PG-13
Disclaimer:I own nothing but this plot
Word Count:1621
Summary:“Believe in yourself, Nino, and you’ll do amazing out there.”
Fanfic Masterpost (
Opening Night )
Comments 3
Thanks for updating!
Although I'm glad Ohmiya is still lovey dovey. Idk I still feel Ohchan should be the one to make Nino gain the confidence back and not Matsumoto. Well.. it might be my insistence over Ohmiya but I just narrowed my eyes when Matsumoto lines is just too cheesy and kind of flirting (in my eyes) and when Nino blushed, it kinda get on my nerves. Apparently my Ohmiya conscience take this as a Matsumiya moment you know bother me.
But anyway, that's just my inner Obsessive Selfish Ohmiya avid fan chewing me hahaha other than that, I can't hardly wait for the next. But I'll try since well I got exams the next 2 weeks so Okay really!
Btw : Never have I ever regretted auditing for this performance...
Do you mean auditioning?
Thank you~ ♡
uwaaaaa it had been a while ne~
khuuuuuu ohmiya being so cute (////u////)
waiting for kazuko's performance *giggles*
thank you so much to keep updating this fic <3
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