Title: The Competition
Genre: Drama, comedy, fluff
Pairings: ohmiya, sakuraiba
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Fiction! :)
Summary: What if Arashi members had not gone to Johnny's auditions? This is my take on how fate's helping hand (if you believe in such things) would still have brought them together...
Chapter: 6 (out of probably 8)
Read here! )
Comments 13
But I wonder if that's still his goal, now he discovered the pleasure of composing...
Sakuraiba was soooooooo endearing! But I believe they are both oblivious to their true feelings. Which just make things even more adorable!
Amazing chapter!
haha yes, you have very good insight into this fic! :3
so cute~~
Ohmiya moment so sweet but I wonder what will happen to both of them
thank you for this ^^
You got Sho to rap again! Even though he knew he was being manipulated, he agreed. I love that. It's a good thing that the fail songs had drawn them closer and brought him out of his funk so he was actually willing :) Plus, you know, Aiba. :D
Those two. Mm...they are so precious. But I've a suspicion that it might take outside intervention for them to realize what those feelings are. Right now they're undefined and fuzzy warm, but they're just a hairsbreadth from being as sappy as Ohmiya! LOL
Yay Nino!! Cracked the dam and the floodwaters have come! I am curious as to why he also was feeling a strong sad emotion there at the end though! But with only two more chapters, you say? I'm sure we'll find out soon! :)
and yup, i feel like couples in arashi often need help... like how Sho helps ohmiya :3
you will see soon! I've now uploaded the other two chapters! please keep reading! ^^
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